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  1. › en › observatoryObservatory - Taipei 101

    台北101是超高大樓,是綠建築,是購物中心,是觀景台,更是台灣的指標。台北101是台灣最著名的景點與指標建築,全台最大的國際級購物中心精品,珠寶, 手錶,米其林一條街與異國風相互輝映讓美食餐廳更接近,全世界最大的鼎泰豐串連著世界饕客,觀景

  2. Full-price tickets can be purchased online, but all special price tickets - special tickets, senior tickets, children, etc. - must be purchased in person at the fifth floor. To purchase a discount ticket, you must present a valid Taiwan ID at the time of your in-person purchase at Taipei 101.

  3. › observatory-ticketTaipei 101 台北101


  4. 101


  5. The 89th floor observation deck offers visitors a 360° panoramic view and the option to take a QR Code-activated audio and video tour. Don`t miss the exclusive souvenirs, world`s highest postbox, and high-powered telescopes. It`s also possible to see the world`s largest, heaviest wind-damper.

  6. › tw › observatory體驗設施

    台北101 一座傑出的地標建築,足以改變這個城市。 如同帝國大廈之於紐約、艾菲爾鐵塔之於巴黎、更如晚近的金茂大廈之於上海。

  7. Scooter entrance is at the intersection of Xinyi Road and Shifu Road, parking area on floor B2. If you spend NT$1,000 at Taipei 101, you can enjoy 1 hour discount for each NT$1,000 spent (up to 5 hours) only on the day of purchase.

  8. 跨年、垂直馬拉松等大型活動或是點燈打字、餐車快閃等等特殊活動讓你看見不一樣趣味,給你最不一樣的體驗與最多的可能,邀請您定期來到台北101走走,感受不同於百貨公司的氛圍與場域,感受國際旅行目的地的無限可能。

  9. › en › contactContact - Taipei 101

    Contact Taipei 101. Please enter your email, we will send you verify mail. To speak with a representative or ask make special inquiries, you can reach customer service by phone at 02-8101-8800. For international customer service, call +886 2 8101-8800, or fill in your contact information and message below, and our team will respond accrdingly.

  10. › en › observatoryFeatures - Taipei 101

    The Taipei 101 Observation Deck is equipped with two high-speed elevators that have a rising speed of 1,010 meters per minute. It takes only 37 seconds to go from the 5th to the 89th floor observation deck.

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