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  1. › wiki › Ascorbic_acidAscorbic acid - Wikipedia

    Ascorbic acid is a naiturally occurrin organic compound wi antioxidant properties. It is a white solit, but impur samples can appear yellaeish. It dissolves well in watter tae gie mildly acidic solutions. Ascorbic acid is ane form ("vitamer") o vitamin C. It wis originally cried L -hexuronic acid, but, when it was foond tae hae vitamin C ...

  2. › wiki › RiboflavinRiboflavin - Wikipedia

    The name "riboflavin" comes frae "ribose" (the succar whase reduced fairm, ribitol, fairms pairt o its structur) an "flavin", the ring-moiety whilk imparts the yellae colour tae the oxidized molecule (frae Latin flavus, "yellae"). The reduced fairm, whilk occurs in metabolism alang wi the oxidised fairm, is colourless.

  3. › wiki › SkinSkin - Wikipedia

    Skin is the saft ooter tishie kiverin vertebrates. Ither ainimal kiverins, sic as the arthropod exoskelet, hae different developmental oreegin, structur an chemical composeetion.The adjective cutaneous means "o the skin" (frae Laitin cutis, skin).In mammals, the skin is an organ o the integumentary seestem made up o multiple layers o ectodermal tishie, an gairds the unnerlyin muscles, banes ...

  4. › wiki › WatherWather - Wikipedia

    Wather refers tae day-tae-day temperatur an effecks, while climate refers tae effecks ower time. Wather kin be preedectit bi yaisin science an technology at wather stations. Wance spaed, the wather is reportit by watherfowk. Due tae the fickle nature ae wather, reports kin be verra unricht. Wather reports kin be used tae pertect life an aiverel.

  5. McCune–Reischauer. Hwang Changyŏp. Hwang Jang-yop (17 Februar 1923 – 10 October 2010) wis a major politeecian in North Korea who defectit tae Sooth Korea in 1997, makin him tae date the hichtest-rankin defector frae the isolatit state. [1] He wis lairgely responsible for craftin the Juche Idea, North Korea's offeecial state ideology.

  6. › wiki › SeonaidhSeonaidh - Wikipedia

    The Seonaidh wis a watter speerit in Lewis, bi the wey o Martin Martin. [1] Dwelly pits seonadh (wioot the "i", a relatit form in Scots Gaelic) as "1. augury, sorcery. 2. Druidism" an quotes frae Martin further. Martin says thit the fowk thit bade in Lewis uised tae gain favour o Seonaidh bi a cup o ale in the followaein weys, in a ceremony ...

  7. › wiki › Fit_(unit)Fit (unit) - Wikipedia

    Fit is a unit o meisurment o lenth (hou lang something is). It is ane o the imperial units an U.S. customary. It is cried a fit, acause it is aboot the size o a man 's fit. In some kintras, fowk aften measure hicht in feet an inches. If a person is "five fit eleiven", this means that a body is 5 fit and 11 inch, or aboot 180 centimetre.