Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 例句与用法. The champion and the challenger meet next week . 下星期冠军将迎战 挑战 。. Challenger broke free, lumbered past the launch tower . “ 挑战 ”号突然腾起,笨拙地沿着发射塔上升。. A titanic explosion consumed challenger and its crew of seven . 巨大的爆炸毁灭了“ 挑战 ”号和它 ...

  2. 日文翻译 手机版. (たたかうように)そそのかす.挑戦する. 接受挑战/挑戦に応じる.応戦する. 挑战的口吻 kǒuwěn /挑発的な口ぶり. "挑"日文翻译 【熟語】细挑. "战"日文翻译 (Ⅰ)(1)戦争.戦闘. 持久战/持久戦. 游击战/遊撃戦.ゲリラ戦.... "向...挑战 ...

  3. tiǎo zhàn. ①故意激怒敌人,使敌人出来打仗。 ②鼓动对方跟自己竞赛:班组之间互相~应战。 挑 tiāo ㄊㄧㄠˉ1)扁担等两头挂着东西,用肩担着:~土。 ~夫(旧时以... 战 (戰)zhàn ㄓㄢˋ1)打仗:~争。 ~机。 ~绩。 ~略。 ~术。 ~国(我... 其他语种. 挑战的英语 : 挑战的法语 : 挑战的日语 : 挑战的韩语 : 挑战的俄语 : 相邻词汇. 挑弄是什么意思 , 挑引是什么意思 , 挑得篮里便是菜是什么意思 , 挑心是什么意思 , 挑情是什么意思 , 挑抉是什么意思 , 挑担是什么意思 , 挑担子是什么意思 , 挑招是什么意思 ,

  4. "敢于承受挑战和压力,能正确面对和处理困难" 英文翻译 : he is willing to bear the work pressure and facing and treat the difficulty correctly. "挑战" 英文翻译 : 1. (挑衅) throw down the gauntlet; challenge; challenge to battle 接受挑战 accept the challenge; take up the gauntlet; 向 ... 发出挑战 issue one's challenge to ...; 她带着挑战的目光看着我。 she looked at me with challenge. 新政府当选的合法性受到了反对派的挑战。

  5. she looked at me with challenge. 新政府当选的合法性受到了反对派的挑战。 the election of the new government was met by a challenge from its opponents.2. (提出竞赛) challenge to a contest; challenge; 挑战书 letter of challenge; challenge. "不战自溃" 英文翻译 : collapse without a battle; melt away without striking a blow. "不战自乱" 英文翻译 : become confused without even going into battle.

  6. she looked at me with challenge. 新政府当选的合法性受到了反对派的挑战。 the election of the new government was met by a challenge from its opponents.2. (提出竞赛) challenge to a contest; challenge; 挑战书 letter of challenge; challenge. "心理战人员" 英文翻译 : psychologic operator. "大战人头蛇身巨怪" 英文翻译 : relief of gigantomachy.

  7. my bedroom looks on to the garden. "敢于承受挑战和压力,能正确面对和处理困难" 英文翻译 : he is willing to bear the work pressure and facing and treat the difficulty correctly. "大挑战" 英文翻译 : big challenge! gun fighter; grand challenge; the sims pet stories; us-en. "挑战, 寻衅" 英文翻译 : throw down the gage. "挑战,挑衅" 英文翻译 : defiancen. "挑战报" 英文翻译 : challenge.

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