2014年6月9日 · The concept of ‘network institute’ stands for our principle of maximal light-weight infrastructure. NIGD is a ‘coming-together’ of researchers and activists from most parts of the globe around certain projects, for specific periods of time.
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0. Zak Stein and Marc Gafni: "The idea of “world-systems” is essential for any serious thinking about evolutionary futures for the human species (see: Wallerstein, World Systems Analysis.). World-system analysis is a growing transdisciplinary field, encompassing economics, politics, sociology, and history. The modern world-system, which began to em...
"I contend contra widely accepted contentions to the contrary that the world-system has not fundamentally changed in recent decades as regards its basic structural features. Most of the events that are depicted as new departures are in fact continuations of cycles and trends long in operation. In Global Formation (Chase-Dunn 1989: Chapters 3 and 4)...
Jannis Mossmann: "Modern World-System theory is a historical approach which describes the last five centuries by a specific single, growing world-system (Shannon). This world-system, separate from a world-empire or a socialist system, represents the structure in which almost every country is integrated today. It is characterized by a capitalist wor...
Encyclopedia.com: "World-system analysis arose during the 1970s, primarily through the writings of Immanuel Wallerstein. Wallerstein identifies four intellectual antecedents that emerged between 1945 and 1970 as promulgating the emergence of world-system theory: (1) the study of Latin American history, contemporary politics, and foreign relations, ...
Christopher Chase-Dunn et al: "The world-systems perspective was invented for modeling and interpretingthe expansion and deepening of the capitalist regional system as it emerged inEurope and incorporated the whole globe over the past 500 years (Wallerstein1974; Chase-Dunn 1998; Arrighi 1994). 1. The idea of a core/periphery hierarchy composed of ‘...
There are some who believe Bit Torrent alone can do the job, but I feel that a true media market is going to require more components than are currently offered in Bit Torrent. There have to be payment systems, rights management systems, and some underlying quality-of-service layer that can save the day just in case you are the only person in the world who wants to watch that particular episode ...
Such ideas drew strength from the idea of ‘progress’, for example August Comte’s idea of the march of knowledge, and later notions of material and economic progress (Scharmer, 1997). These ideas were further underpinned by a worldview which saw the non-Christian world living in sin - the West’s role to save the savages from themselves (Sardar, 1993).
Michel Bauwens launched the observatory, curation efforts, and p2p analysis as a key lever for social change, which was at the origin of the launch of the P2P Foundation as a formal organization, with the help of James Burke. "Michel Bauwens is the founder of the Foundation for Peer-to-Peer Alternatives and works in collaboration with a global ...
Michel Bauwens/Full Bio. = Michel Bauwens is the founder of the P2P Foundation, an observatory on commoning and peer production and is the co-author of P2P, A Commons Manifesto . Based in Thailand, he has crafted Transition Plans for the city of Ghent in 2016, and for Ecuador in 2014.
2011年1月7日 · Various ways to use P2P principles for TV, in particular internet TV developments. See our entry on IPTV, which differentiates this concept from Internet Television. The former refers to the efforts by incumbents to use the internet for the tightly controlled distribution of their programs, using set top boxes and DRM.