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  1. SISTER & FRIEND GEOPARKS. 地址:20744 臺灣新北市萬里區野柳里港東路167-1號. Address:No.167-1, Kantung Rd., Yehliu Village, Wanli District, New Taipei City 20744, Taiwan, R.O.C. 電話 (TEL):+886-2-24922016. 傳真 (FAX):+886-2-24924519. 瀏覽人次:.

  2. › Service野柳地質公園

    野柳地質公園屬於天然的地質景觀,欣賞地景須以步行的方式 園區共分成 3 區 第 1、2 區屬遊客踏訪必遊之處(含著名的景點:燭臺石,女王頭.仙女鞋..)-遊程約需1個半小時;

  3. › Player › Info野柳地質公園

    野柳地質公園遵循聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO) 世界地質公園的四大核心價值為營運宗旨,完善地質公園的經營理念: 1. 地景保育:以地景保育為出發點

  4. › Landscape › Sea野柳地質公園

    Algae. Seaweeds are large benthic algae. They are the main producers of coastal waters. According to the characteristics of pigment types, storage materials and life history in algae, they can be divided into three categories: green algae, brown algae, and red algae.

  5. › Service › GuideReservation野柳地質公園

    Whether an interpreter is provided on the day will depend on availability of interpreting personnel. Interpreter service time are from 8:30 to 10:30 and from 13:30 to 15:30. The above sessions are limited to 10-30 people. Please meet up with the interpreter at visitor center.

  6. › Landscape › Sight野柳地質公園

    Local people usually depict the landscape around the candle shaped rock in this way: “Stone clock, stone breast, the jump of carp, the mouse is sucking the cat’s breast (Taiwanese)”. Whereas, the stone clock refers to the candle shaped rock on the left, the shape of which is like a large clock hanging upside down.

  7. › UploadFiles › 直接蒐集個人資料告知事項台端詳閱: 一、 二、

    直接蒐集個人資料告知事項. 親愛的遊客,您好: 野柳遊客中心(以下稱本中心)為保障當事人個人資料隱私安全, 及符合個人資料保護法(以下稱個資法)第八條及第九條規定,謹. 依本法向 台端告知以下事項,請 台端詳閱: 一、 蒐集單位:野柳遊客中心. 、環境 . 約服務 ...

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