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  1. The asteroid 4674 Pauling in the inner asteroid belt, discovered by Eleanor F. Helin, was named after Linus Pauling in 1991, on his 90th birthday. Linus Torvalds, developer of the Linux kernel, is named after Pauling. Nobel laureate Peter Agre has said that Linus

  2. Linus Pauling was a prominent physical chemist at the California Institute of Technology (a main focal point of Warren Weaver 's efforts to promote what he called "molecular biology" through Rockefeller Foundation grants). In the mid-1930s, Pauling turned his attention to the physical and chemical nature of hemoglobin.

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  4. He was named after Linus Pauling, the Nobel Prize–winning American chemist, although in the book Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source Revolution, he is quoted as saying, "I think I was named equally for Linus the Peanuts cartoon character", noting that

  5. The most commonly used method of calculation is that originally proposed by Linus Pauling. This gives a dimensionless quantity, commonly referred to as the Pauling scale ( χr ), on a relative scale running from 0.79 to 3.98 ( hydrogen = 2.20).

  6. Linus Pauling published in 1931 his landmark paper on valence bond theory: "On the Nature of the Chemical Bond". Building on this article, Pauling's 1939 textbook: On the Nature of the Chemical Bond would become what some have called the bible of modern chemistry.

  7. Historical advocates of vitamin C megadosage include Linus Pauling, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954. Pauling argued that because humans lack a functional form of L-gulonolactone oxidase , an enzyme required to make vitamin C that is functional in most other mammals, plants, insects, and other life forms, humans have ...

  8. The Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine was founded in 1973 in Menlo Park, California by Linus Pauling and several colleagues under the name Institute of Orthomolecular Medicine. In 1974, the institute was renamed the Linus Pauling Institute of