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    KK [bʌmp]

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 碰,撞[Q][(+against/into)] The bus bumped into the car in front. 巴士撞上了前面那輛汽車。
    • 2. 顛簸著行進[Q][(+along)] The jeep bumped along the rough mountain road. 吉普車在崎嶇的山路上顛簸行駛。

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. (使)猛擊;(使)衝撞;撞傷 The room was dark and he bumped his head against the shelf. 房間一片漆黑,他將頭撞到了架子上。
    • 2. 【美】【俚】擠掉……的座位;取代……的職務

    n.[C] 可數名詞

    • 1. 重擊;猛撞,碰撞 A bump on the head caused her amnesia. 她因頭部撞了一下而得了健忘症。
    • 2. (因碰撞而起的)腫塊 I had a bump on my leg. 我腿上有個腫塊。

    ad. 副詞

    • 1. 突然地;猛烈地 My car ran bump into the wall. 我的汽車猛然撞上牆壁。

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  2. These movies may be well loved but they're never going to bump Casablanca or Citizen Kane off the classic film lists. The 18-year-old has been bumping other players down the rankings ever since he started in competitive tennis. 片語動詞 bump into someone bump someone off bump something up

  3. If you are bumped from an oversold flight you are entitled to compensation. They asked if any passengers were willing to be bumped. bump someone up If you're lucky, you might get bumped up to business class.

  4. 2024年3月17日 · 2024年03月17日 09:55. 游否希爆詐騙網紅bump2年前早警告」!. 認受害者超多證據齊全. 記者田暐瑋/綜合報導. 「網紅始祖」游否希15日被YouTuber蹦闆踢爆一番賞疑似造假,受害粉絲提告詐欺,他則反告恐嚇取財,風波持續延燒。. 值得一提的是,早在今年初 ...

  5. 2024年3月4日 · 蜘蛛人的真實身分竟是好棒Bump」!. 知名網紅私下兼職超級英雄!. 觀傳媒 2024-03-04 13:36. 原本以踢爆詐騙、幫助弱勢聞名的台灣知名Youtuber「好棒Bump」受到許多年輕族群的喜愛,在影片中「Bump」幫助過許多被詐騙的受害者,以及踢爆各種網站是否是詐騙,還有 ...

  6. The meaning of BUMP is a relatively abrupt convexity or protuberance on a surface. How to use bump in a sentence.

  7. 2023年11月7日 · 林姓男子去年被蕭姓男子誘至 杜拜 從事詐騙後來經網紅好棒Bump救援才成功脫困回台事後Bump指控外交部零作為」,引發輿論熱議 ...

  8. 2022年8月22日 · Bump丟震撼彈希望陪我走完最後2年」. Bump新片中表示,2年內會把所有系列影片做結尾。. (圖/翻攝自YouTube/好棒Bump). 網搜小組/鄺郁庭報導 ...

  9. Bump: Created by Claudia Karvan, Kelsey Munro. With Nathalie Morris, Carlos Sanson Jr., Claudia Karvan, Angus Sampson. An unexpected pregnancy complicates the lives of two families. The series centers around Oly, an ambitious and high-achieving teenage girl who has a surprise baby.

  10. Bump is an Australian comedy-drama television series created by Claudia Karvan and Kelsey Munro which premiered on Stan on 1 January 2021. [1]

  11. Currently filming in Sydney, this beloved show has become a staple in Australian households and will be wrapping up its journey with an exciting new chapter. Steam every episode of Bump only on Stan. The fifth season promises to give fans a glimpse into the future of their favourite characters.

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