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  2. Metolazone 仿單 Package Insert 食藥署核定仿單 (TFDA Link) 外觀 Appearance 外盒標籤 Box/Label 、藥品Drug (食藥署 TFDA) 劑型 Dosage Form 錠劑 Tablet 顏色 Color 白 White 形狀 Shape 圓扁形 Round 使用情形 Usage 停用 Unavailable (正式藥) 衛教 ...

  3. METOLAZONE 相似成份藥: 元 美特平錠0.5公絲 榮民密克優錠 0.5 毫克 瑪科隆利舒壓 錠0.5毫克 麥可適錠0.5毫克 這個藥物該如何使用? 詳見 藥物說明書 藥物的詳細成分 METOLAZONE 0.5MG 藥物外觀

  4. Metolazone大多數由腎臟排泄嚴重腎臟病的病人用藥,會引起蓄積作用。 6. 酒精、巴比妥鹽類和麻醉劑或伴隨其他抗高血壓製劑治療時,會增加姿態性低

  5. 2023年8月28日 · Metolazone is a cardiovascular agent, specifically a quinazoline diuretic related to the thiazide class. Metolazone works by inhibiting sodium transport across the epithelium of the renal tubules (mostly in the distal tubules), decreasing sodium reabsorption, and

  6. 2023年8月9日 · What is metolazone? Metolazone is a thiazide diuretic (water pill) that helps prevent your body from absorbing too much salt, which can cause fluid retention. Metolazone is used to treat fluid retention (edema) in people with congestive heart failure, or a kidney.

  7. Metolazone is a diuretic ('water pill') that reduces swelling and fluid retention caused by heart failure or kidney disease. It also treats high blood pressure and may interact with other medications, alcohol, and sunlight.

  8. › wiki › MetolazoneMetolazone - Wikipedia

    Metolazone is a medication used to treat edema and hypertension, especially in patients with kidney or heart problems. It works by reducing the amount of water reabsorbed by the kidney, and may be combined with other diuretics for better effect.

  9. 2009年8月31日 · METOLAZONE ( METOLAZONE MONOCRYSTALLINE ) 《藥典資料定期與衛生福利部食品藥物管理署(TFDA)藥品資料庫進行同步更新,若您查詢之藥品外觀與藥典資料不同,建議可洽詢您的醫師或藥師,若是發現藥典資料有誤,請您來信客服,我們將儘快修正錯誤,讓藥典 ...

  10. Metolazone is a diuretic that treats fluid retention and high blood pressure. Learn about its brand names, how it works, and what to watch out for.

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