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  1. 君主立憲制(英語: Constitutional monarchy )或有限君主制、共和式君主制、虛君共和制或民主式君主制,是相對於君主專制的一種國家體制。 君主立憲是在保留 君主制 的前提下,通过 立憲 ,樹立人民 主權 、限制 君主 權力、達成 事實上 的 共和主義 或 民主主 ...

  2. In a constitutional monarchy, a king or queen is the official head of state. However, their powers are limited by a constitution and they usually do not have much real power, as the legislative branch is the primary governing body.

  3. 君主制(英語:Monarchy)是指君主为国家元首,并由其名义上或实质上执掌政府权力的政权组织形式。[1]君主的擔任與政權的掌控,會依照各個國家的制度而有所不同;縱使是同一個國家,在不同时期也各不相同。

  4. 2024年8月25日 · 在資產階級與封建王權的鬥爭中,憲政主義為限制君主權力提供理論依據,產生最早的君主立憲制(Constitutional Monarchy)。 君主立憲制制約了封建王權,防止王權專斷,成為當代西方主要的政體形式。

  5. Liechtenstein and Monaco are constitutional monarchies in which the Prince retains many powers of an absolute monarch. For example, the 2003 Constitution referendum gives the Prince of Liechtenstein the power to veto any law that the Landtag (parliament) proposes and vice versa.

  6. Constitutional monarchy, system of government in which a monarch (see monarchy) shares power with a constitutionally organized government. The monarch may be the de facto head of state or a purely ceremonial leader. The constitution allocates the rest of the government’s power to the legislature.

  7. The monarchy of the United Kingdom, commonly referred to as the British monarchy, is the form of government used by the United Kingdom by which a hereditary monarch reigns as the head of state, with their powers regulated by the British Constitution UK's.