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  1. 「愛情紀念品」的英文 1. love token 2. love-token 「紀念」的英文 1. commemorate 2. memorialize 3. memory 4. monumentalize 5. observe 6. remember 7. remenber 8. mark 9. in honour of 10. in commemoration of 11. souvenir 12. commemoration day ...

  2. Many translated example sentences containing "紀念" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations. That, as currently the Government does not have a set of effective administrative measures or legislation to protect trees, and as co ...

  3. 紀念英文翻譯解釋 commemorate 用在紀念過去發生的重要的事情,例如一塊石碑紀念某國家獨立,或用一分鐘的沉默紀念死去的人。 in honor of 通常用在紀念美好的事物,例如某公司的十周年紀念

  4. Matt指向擺著紀念杯的架子。. These gifts are called omiyage, a word usually translated as "souvenir." 這些禮物又稱為omiyage(手信),通常會被翻譯成 “souvenir”(紀念品)。. When asked why Vidam had not taken the buoy with him as a souvenir, Marat told Stuff: "It's funny. 在被問及為什麼Vidam沒有把 ...

  5. 英文的“紀念品”?. 讓我們用三種情況使用它!. 習慣於分發家庭,朋友,作為紀念品作為紀念品。. 然而,在歐洲和美國,即使您一般為您的禮物及其家人購買禮物,也沒有分散日本紀念品的習慣。. 這次,我們將在旅行時介紹一個讓“紀念品選擇”的英語 ...

  6. 2013年3月7日 · 伴手禮. 2013 年 03 月 07 日 流行語 - 七畫. 英文: souvenir (n.) 說明: 伴手禮就是紀念品,香港叫「手信」。. 例句:. Those Chinese tourists spent the whole morning buying souvenirs. (那些中國觀光客整個上午都在採購伴手禮) Jack bought a few pineapple cakes as souvenirs of his holiday in Taiwan ...

  7. SOUVENIR翻译:纪念品;纪念物。了解更多。 It has not been possible to confirm that imported souvenirs have been sold, but the concessionaires are being reminded of the ...

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