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  1. 2013年3月15日 · After coordinating Media@McGill until 2007, I work now as a consultant, independent researcher and videographer on issues such as Science and Democracy, Social innovation and the Commons. I produced in 2010 a DVD for a “doculivre” named “Sciences et Démocratie” an a series of interviews on the issue to be distributed on the web ...

  2. The thrones, principalities and powers are central to Paul's worldview and he weaves the mission of King Jesus and the Church around it. The powers, Paul tells us, were created by King Jesus (Collosians 1:15-17) and that they "systematize" through King Jesus. Thus they are a part of the good creation.

  3. Bio. Giovanna Ricoveri, Italian, located in Rome, Italy (, land phone 39 06 7005519; cell. 349 8522368) completed her academic formation in law (University of Pisa, Italy) and in economics (University of Columbia, New York, Usa). For a few years she engaged in the field of economic research and teaching in the Usa and in ...

  4. 2010年11月9日 · openWind is being released initially as a freely downloadable, open source software package. With this version, users are able to view and modify the code (subject to the terms of the open-source license). A protected version of the software intended for users requiring greater security will be made available in 2009."

  5. 2017年7月19日 · It is referred to as the M-15 movement, as it began on the 15th of May when tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets all over Spain. The demonstration was organised by an internet group called ‘Real Democracy Now’, who published a manifesto calling for an “ethic revolution” and critiquing neo-liberalism.

  6. Maker spaces are opened to develop projects v/s develop people. The reason to open and operate the space was either to develop projects — find the relevant one in order to help them meet the market — or to develop people — empower people to learn new tool, new skills, to enlarge their network and nourrish their ideas.

  7. 2020年11月25日 · Helen Pluckrose: "Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt described this entire method as a form of reverse Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT teaches people not to catastrophize and not to read negative meanings into everything. This decreases anxiety and improves one’s functioning in the world. Applied Post-modernism trains people to do precisely ...