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  1. If Omicron is half as likely to land you in hospital, but twice as many people are infected then the two cancel out and you're back to square one. And Omicron's real talent is infecting people.

  2. 2021年12月6日 · COVID Omicron Variant: What You Need to Know. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, several coronavirus variants have emerged as the virus, SARS-CoV-2, continues to mutate and evolve. Many of these variants’ mutations have little or no impact on how the virus affects humans. But others, such as the genetic changes in the delta variant, can make ...

  3. 2021年11月30日 · 世界衛生組織(WHO)警告,新冠病毒變種奧米克戎(Omicron )有令全球感染率大增的高風險。世衛在周一(11月29日)表示,該變種可能在一些地區 ...

  4. 2022年4月28日 · The Omicron variant has caused global panic and concern owing to its contagious and vaccine-escape mutations. Presently, up to 60 mutations have been identified in the BA.1 lineage, with as many ...

  5. Omicron的症狀和普通感冒非常相似,但一般感冒較不會發燒,腹瀉也不常見。咳嗽狀況也有不同,Omicron是持續性、劇烈的乾咳,感冒則是間歇性、輕微咳痰或清喉嚨。要知道是否染疫,篩檢是最準確的方式。延伸閱讀:Omicron症狀跟感冒怎麼分?

  6. 2021年12月3日 · Ce qu’il faut surtout savoir. Plus la COVID-19 circule, plus le virus a de possibilités de se modifier, et plus on peut s’attendre à voir de nouvelles mutations ; Delta et Omicron en constituent des exemples. Omicron est un variant préoccupant car il comporte des dizaines de mutations qui peuvent affecter son comportement.

  7. 2021年12月4日 · Omicron新型變異株(B.1.1.529)在全球多國現蹤,從非洲一路蔓延至歐洲、香港、日本與韓國等亞洲國家,就連美國也出現首例本土確診病例。但究竟感染Omicron變種病毒會有哪些症狀,是否真的會讓疫苗效力下降呢?《健康遠見》為你彙整國內外專家學者最新說法。

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