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  1. Millennium Blades is a CCG-Simulator -- A game in which you play as a group of friends who play the fictional CCG "Millennium Blades". The game draws heavily on Manga/Anime inspiration for its art, and parodies Magic: the Gathering, Yugioh, and many other collectible games. In this game you will build decks, play the meta, acquire valuable ...

  2. In Ierusalem: Anno Domini, we represent one of the communities of followers of Jesus of Nazareth who, coming to Jerusalem from nearby towns and villages, want to approach the place of the Last Supper and position ourselves as close as possible to the seats of Jesus and his apostles. The closer we are, the more points we earn at game's end.

  3. You are head of a family in an Italian city-state, a city run by a weak and corrupt court. You need to manipulate, bluff and bribe your way to power. Your object is to destroy the influence of all the other families, forcing them into exile. Only one family will survive... In Coup, you want to be the last player with influence in the game, with ...

  4. Admin: Book entries that should be split

  5. Aeon Trespass: Odyssey is a 1-4 player campaign game about adventures, exploration and fierce battles with giant monsters. It’s a co-operative, choice-driven boardgame experience played over multiple sessions. Set in an alternate Antiquity, where a reality-shattering cataclysm killed the Olympian gods and unleashed the otherworldly ...

  6. In Codenames, two teams compete to see who can make contact with all of their agents first. Lay out 25 cards, each bearing a single word. The spymasters look at a card showing the identity of each card, then take turns clueing their teammates. A clue consists of a single word and a number, with the number suggesting how many cards in play have ...

  7. Classification. Deception: Murder in Hong Kong is a game of deduction and deception for 4-12 players that plays in about 20 minutes. In the game, players take on the roles of investigators attempting to solve a murder case – but there's a twist. The killer is one of the investigators!