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  1. 积金局公布2020年强积金投资表现. 积金局早前公布2020年强积金制度投资表现。. 截至去年12月底,强积金的总资产值达$11,400亿,扣除费用及收费後,录得约$4,100亿(36%)净投资回报。. 2020年年度净回报为11.7%,连续两年录得双位数的年率化回报,而自制度在2000年 ...

  2. 自僱人士. 自僱人士可把支付給強積金計劃的強制性供款當作營業開支,申請扣除香港利得稅。. 最高扣除額如下:2015-16及其後每個課稅年度為$18,000。. 自僱人士作出的自願性供款不可扣稅; 可扣稅自願性供款 除外。.

  3. 在2019-20课税年度和随後的每个课税年度,扣税上限为每年$60,000。上限 为可扣税自愿性供款和合资格延期年金保费的合计上限。如供款人於同一年度同时作出可扣税自愿性供款及购买合资格延期年金,扣税额会先扣除可扣税自愿性供款部分,余额则用作扣 ...

  4. MMB is defined as the lesser of two amounts calculated by the following methods: Final average monthly relevant income (capped at $20,000 on or before 31 May 2012 / $25,000 from 1 June 2012 to 31 May 2014 (both days inclusive) / $30,000 on or after 1 June 2014) × years of post-MPF service × 1.2. For details, please refer to Guidelines on MPF ...

  5. 行業計劃是專為飲食業或建造業的臨時僱員(即按日僱用或僱用期少於60日)而設。. 飲食業或建造業的一般僱員(即非臨時僱員)亦可參加計劃, 供款計算 與其他一般僱員相同。. 以下帳戶可於行業計劃下開立:. 註冊強積金計劃 及各強積金受託人的 客戶服務 ...

  6. Scenario 1: If the amount of MPF derived from the employer’s contributions exceeds the amount of LSP/SP, the remaining balance after offsetting has to be retained in the employee’s account and is vested in the employee. Scenario 2: If the amount of MPF derived from the employer’s contributions is insufficient to fully offset the amount of ...

  7. › mpf-system › voluntary-contributions-or-tax自願性供款 - 積金局 - MPFA

    扣減利得稅上限 僱主作出的強制性及自願性供款,均可扣減利得稅,上限為僱員年薪的15% 。 特別自願性供款 特別自願性供款是計劃成員直接向受託人支付的額外供款,與工作及僱主沒有關係。 修訂日期: 18/02/2021 ...