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  1. Hong Kong 1 July march in 2011 On 1 July of each year since the 1997 handover, a march is led by the Civil Human Rights Front.It has become the annual platform for demanding universal suffrage, calling for observance and preservation civil liberties such as free speech, venting dissatisfaction with the Hong Kong Government or the Chief Executive, rallying against actions of the Pro-Beijing camp.

  2. › wiki › JulJulWikipedia

    Jul er i dag en årlig høytid til minne om Jesu fødsel, en av de største høytidene innen kristendommen. Slik var det ikke opprinnelig; jul var et fellesnordisk begrep for den store hedenske festen som ble feiret senere om vinteren. I dag er Norden og England ...

  3. › wiki › JulyJuly - Wikipedia

    July is the seventh month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. Its length is 31 days. It was named by the Roman Senate in honour of Roman general Julius Caesar in 44 B.C., being the month of his birth. Before then it was called Quintilis, being the fifth month of the calendar that started with March.[1] It is on average the ...

  4. › wiki › JúlJúl – Wikipédia

    Júl. Júl je siedmy mesiac gregoriánskeho kalendára. Má 31 dní. V pôvodnom rímskom kalendári bol jeho názov Quintilis, teda „Piaty“. V roku 44 pred Kr. bol Gaius Iulius Caesar zavraždený a potom rímsky senát na návrh Marka Antónia zmenil na jeho počesť názov mesiaca, v ktorom sa Július Caesar narodil, Quintilis na Julius.

  5. Hong Kong 1 July marches. The Hong Kong 1 July protests was an annual protest rally originally held by the Civil Human Rights Front from the day of handover in 1997 on the HKSAR establishment day. However, it was not until 2003 that the march drew large public attention by opposing the legislation of Basic Law Article 23.

  6. Juli – Wikipedia. 1. Juli. Der 1. Juli ist der 182. Tag des gregorianischen Kalenders (der 183. in Schaltjahren ), somit bleiben 183 Tage bis zum Jahresende. Damit gehört der 1. Juli auf die Tage bezogen zur ersten Jahreshälfte, obwohl er von den Monaten her der zweiten Jahreshälfte zugerechnet wird. Historische Jahrestage.

  7. John Early (July 1, 1814 – May 23, 1873) was a Catholic priest and Jesuit who held several prominent positions in American academia. Born in Ireland, he emigrated to the United States in 1833 and was educated in Maryland and Washington, D.C. After he began ministering, he was appointed the president of the College of the Holy Cross in 1848.