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  1. A semi-presidential republic, or dual executive republic, is a republic in which a president exists alongside a prime minister and a cabinet, with the latter two being responsible to the legislature of the state.

  2. 莫里斯·杜瓦杰對半總統制的最初定義是,總統必須通過 選舉 產生,擁有重大權力,並且任期固定。 當前之定義僅聲明必須選舉國家元首,並且必須由依賴議會信任(參看 信任供給 )的獨立總理領導行政部門。 [9] 子類型. 半總統制有兩種截然不同的子類型:總理總統制和總統議會制。 在 總理總統制 下, 總理 和 內閣 只對 議會 負責。 總統可以決定總理和內閣之人選,但只有議會可以批准和通過 不信任投票 罷免他們。 這種制度更接近於純粹的 議會制 。

  3. Semi-presidential republic: Executive president is independent of the legislature; head of government is appointed by the president and is accountable to the legislature. Assembly-independent republic: Head of government (president or directory) is elected by the legislature, but is not accountable to it.

  4. Presidential system: Head of government (president) is popularly elected and independent of the legislature. Presidential republic. Hybrid systems: Semi-presidential republic: Executive president is independent of the legislature; head of government is appointed by the president and is accountable to the legislature.

  5. A political regime is considered as semi-presidential if the constitution which established it, combines three elements: (1) the president of the republic is elected by universal suffrage, (2) he possesses quite considerable powers; (3) he has opposite him

  6. 2019年3月27日 · A core idea of semi-presidentialism is that the respective roles of the dual executive, the president and the prime minister, should be complementary: the president upholds popular legitimacy and represents the continuity of state and nation, while the prime minister exercises policy leadership and takes responsibility for the day-to-day functio...

  7. 2018年6月28日 · Semi-presidential regimes include a popularly elected head of state and a legislature selected head of government. In semi-presidential regimes, both presidents and prime ministers wield political power. See Table 10.1 and Table 10.2. Head of Government.