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  1. 3 天前 · 瑪麗亞·莎拉波娃(Maria Sharapova)- 對於任何網球運動員來說,身高都是一個優勢,但身高6英呎1英吋(1.88 ... 外在的一部分,真正的美麗和力量來自於內心的自信和才華的展現。讓我們繼續為這些女性鼓掌,為她們的成就和對世界的貢獻喝彩。

  2. 4 天前 · Maria Sharapova defeated two-time defending champion Serena Williams in the final, 6–1, 6–4 to win the ladies' singles tennis title at the 2004 Wimbledon Championships. It was her first major title. The 17-year-old's victory over the six-time major champion was

  3. 2024年5月16日 · Maria Sharapova, a Russian tennis player, was born on April 19, 1987, in the small town of Nyagan. Her talent and determination would later launch her into the global spotlight as one of the most successful athletes in the history of women’s tennis. Sharapova turned professional at the age of 14.

  4. 2024年5月8日 · Maria Sharapova (born April 19, 1987, Nyagan, Russia) is a Russian tennis player who was one of the game’s leading contenders in the early 21st century, the winner of five Grand Slam titles. Sharapova began playing tennis as a young child, and in 1993 she caught the attention of Czech-born American tennis star Martina Navratilova .

  5. 2024年5月17日 · 在戛纳电影节映后鼓掌——尤其是往往会超过5分钟的超长时间起立鼓掌几乎是一项传统。. 此前盘点入选标准即映后鼓掌时长超过 (>)5分钟,综合了IMDb、IndieWire等网站资料。. 由于本届戛纳电影节仍在继续,一旦有符合标准的会持续更新。. 送TA礼物 ...

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  7. 2024年5月18日 · 影片標題:4K【🔥哇~韓國姐姐 忍不住突然鼓掌?😂結束後全場掌聲再次響起~👏👏👏👏👏👏】Guard-Changing 中正紀念堂海軍儀隊禮兵交接儀式 ...

    • 12 分鐘
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    • 玲玲微電影 SmileVlogTaiwan
  8. 4 天前 · 孩子們聽到自己的朋友們要去參加,. 紛紛抬起雙手給予熱烈的掌聲,老師也被這熱鬧的氣氛感染,. 跟著孩子一起拍手為小創客喝采。. 接受到鼓舞的小創客們,就會踏著開心的步伐,. 前往自己的創客位置囉!. #鼓掌 #加油 #創客樂園 #蒲公英家. 【輕輕吹 ...