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  1. 2024年5月29日 · Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release 1. A Minecraft Java Pre-Release. We're bringing you the first Pre-Release of 1.21 with leashable boats, portal-able Ender Pearls and bug fixes! With this snapshot, we are temporarily removing the functionality of lighting blocks on fire using the Fire Aspect enchantment, as we want to refine it further.

  2. 2024年5月29日 · Villager Rescue is a collective quest in which you must save a large group of villagers from an... unpleasant fate. This rescue mission will take you and your team through multiple biomes, where you’ll get to meet mobs (yes, some hossstile ones too), gather resources, explore the environment, and more.

  3. Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release 1. A Minecraft Java Pre-Release. We're bringing you the first Pre-Release of 1.21 with leashable boats, portal-able Ender Pearls and bug fixes! With this snapshot, we are temporarily removing the functionality of lighting blocks on fire using the Fire Aspect enchantment, as we want to refine it further.

  4. 2024年5月17日 · News. The 15th Anniversary cape. Get a special cape and today’s Character Creator item. Welcome to day 3 of our 15th anniversary celebration! And today is a special one, because it’s Minecraft’s actual birthday. Yes, on May 17, 2009, Cave Game came out and caused a butterfly effect that would lead to you reading this article 15 years later.

  5. 2024年5月15日 · Engage with Minecraft creators for rewards. From May 15 to 31, head to and check out daily Minecraft streams right on the home page. Tune in to a stream for at least 15 minutes to earn the Purple Heart cape or donate a sub to a streamer during the celebration and get the Glitch Mask! From May 18 to June 18, we’re also celebrating on ...

  6. 2024年5月16日 · 本日の無料キャラクタークリエイターアイテム. Cave Game パーカーを着て、懐かしさに浸り、マインクラフトの歴史を感じましょう! このパーカーほど古参アピールできるものはないと言って良いでしょう。 Bedrock 版 Minecraft を起動し、更衣室を開くと今日の無料のアイテムが表示されます! 今日はサプライズで溢れた 15 日間の 1 日目です! これから 15 日間、毎日 をチェックして、他に何が待っているか確認しましょう。 マインクラフトの誕生日でありながら、みなさんのパーティーでもあることをお忘れなく!

  7. 2024年5月30日 · Community Creations. Discover the best add-ons, mods, and more being built by the incredible Minecraft community! We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve joined forces with Netflix to produce an animated series set in our blocky universe.

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