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  1. Mojang Studios 工作機會 | Minecraft. 透過遊戲力量打造更美好世界。 共同製作. 我們是一個充滿活力且共同建造的多人團隊. 為創造力歡呼. 我們日日都充滿創造力. 點燃熱情. 我們強烈的目標意識點燃我們的熱情. 創造樂趣. 我們創造時也能盡享樂趣. 開放職缺. 瑞典斯德哥爾摩. 查看職缺. 華盛頓雷德蒙德. 查看職缺. 探索 Mojang Studios 招賢納士,立即加入我們的行列! 我們攜手合作,透過遊戲的力量打造更美好的世界。

  2. Minecraft 的世界相當巨大,何不趁此機會讓它超越方塊界限呢?. 使用我們最愛的 Minecraft 桌布和社群橫幅等,自訂您的裝置!. 查看所有收藏品. 在 Minecraft 官方網站探索全新遊戲冒險、配件和商品。. 在此購買和下載遊戲,或是查看網站掌握最新消息。.

  3. › zh-hant › 10th-anniversary10 週年慶 | Minecraft

    與我們一起歡慶. 十年來的創造、探索與強韌的生命力。. 十年來的生物、模組與嘆為觀止的創作。. 十年來您在我們遊戲中不斷搭建的驚人建築物。. 十年來您將我們的警告拋在腦後,只為一探究竟。. 十年來我們一直想知道您的下一步行動會是什麼。. Minecraft ...

  4. 2019年8月8日 · The feedback site helps our team find out about the things that matter to you the most and what you want to see in Minecraft. The community team reads your suggestions and feedback every day. Then, we compile the feedback and discuss it with the teams that need to see them. Once the team knows what everyone would like to see in the game, they ...

  5. Upgrade your gameplay with Minecraft DLC. Buy unique maps, skins, and texture packs from your favorite Minecraft community creators! YOUR SEARCH BROUGHT NO RESULTS. We couldn't find anything. Try another keyword. Browse DLC in the Minecraft Marketplace catalog to buy skins, texture packs, and more made by the Minecraft creator community.

  6. 如何安裝: * 第一次啟動遊戲時會需要有網路連線,但在那之後就可以離線玩遊戲,不會有任何問題。. 下載並開啟 Minecraft.dmg. 將 Minecraft 拖曳至應用程式資料夾以便安裝. 執行遊戲,就如同您執行任何其他應用程式一樣. 建立並探索 Minecraft 的無限世界!. 無法 ...

  7. Add-Ons are ways to customize your Minecraft gaming experience. You may find some free Minecraft Add-Ons to use, but there are also special Add-Ons that you can purchase. These Add-Ons can help you change the rules to how you play the game. You can use Minecraft Add-Ons to change the appearance of your world and alter how mobs look and behave.

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