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  1. 2024年5月13日 · 從1998年起IMDb隸屬於亞馬遜公司旗下網站上有豐富的電影資訊只要是用戶都可以為電影評分IMDb會以數據過濾機制及最小投票數量的限制來計算出一個加權平均星數作為評分。 常看電影的人或多或少都有聽說過IMDb,但為什麼今天要以IMDb的標準來推薦電影給大家呢? 因為 IMDb 有個「TOP...

  2. 5 天前 · 劇情:年度最火辣的浪漫喜劇, 《愛愛愛上你》 描述一對令人稱羨的情侶碧雅與班,在一次一夜情之後,兩人之間的愛的火花卻演變成你死我活的熊熊怒火。 勢不兩立的兩人,卻在一場舉辦在澳洲的婚禮中,發現自己被親朋好友硬湊成堆,為了不破壞這樁喜事,碧雅與班決定暫時攜手合作,繼續扮演完美的夢幻情侶。 上映日期:2024年2月2日. 2024電影推薦片單3.|《外星+人2:回到未來》 主演:金泰梨、金宇彬、柳俊烈. 劇情:斥資超過400億韓元,《外星+人2:回到未來》描述為了阻止被關在人類體內的外星人囚犯逃獄,被困在過去的以安(金泰梨 飾)歷經波折後,終於獲得能打開時間之門的「神劍」,並找到森德(金宇彬 飾),打算回到自己所離開的未來。

  3. Glenn Loury is, among other things, a public intellectual and an academic economist. He has just published a memoir that is unlike anything I’ve ever read — and I’m guessing unlike anything you’ve ever read either. Glenn LOURY: It’s called Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative. Here is the first line of Loury’s book ...

  4. 2024年5月8日 · ROSEN: The most common use of an ESOP by far is where you have an owner of a closely held company who wants to move on, maybe sell some or all of their ownership. And they could sell to private equity, they could sell to some other big company, but instead they’d really like the employees to be owners.

  5. 2024年5月19日 · In this episode of the Freakonomics Radio Book Club, the historian Richard Cockett explores all those ideas — and how the arrival of fascism can ruin in a few years what took generations to ...

  6. 2024年5月22日 · In this episode of the Freakonomics Radio Book Club, the historian Richard Cockett explores all those ideas — and how the arrival of fascism can ruin in a few years what took generations to build. 播放. 57 分钟. 2024年4月28日.

  7. 5 天前 · Freakonomics co-author Stephen J. Dubner uncovers the hidden side of everything. Why is it safer to fly in an airplane than drive a car? How do we decide whom to marry? Why is the media so full of bad news? Also: things you never knew you wanted to know about wolves, bananas, pollution, search engin…