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  1. 2024年6月8日 · 但是,唯一有一点点小遗憾:U23 pro湾版在同时插入一张中国大陆三大运营商的SIM卡(5g卡,并已开通5g通信功能)和香港SIM卡后,去到中国大陆境内后,其中国大陆的5g手机卡始终无法连接5g网络,只能支持4g网络,这个很不方便。

  2. 2024年6月10日 · 文章分類: 相關新聞 mia093980321 2024-6-10 23:00 Hello everyone, As a long-time user of HTC products, I've always appreciated the innovative technology and seamless user experience they offer. Whether it's for personal use or business, HTC's devices have

  3. 2024年6月23日 · As a driving instructor, I use my HTC device to watch videos on automatic and manual driving lessons, as well as intensive driving lessons. However, I'm experiencing issues with video playback. I would appreciate any assistance in finding a solution to resolve this problem. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

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