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  1. 2024年5月3日 · 台中市長盧秀燕表示921大地震發生後台中受到各界幫助現在須將心比心協助花蓮感謝紫雲巖及台中市宗教團體及相關單位的捐獻她近日將代表台中帶著各界愛心前往花蓮送暖盼花蓮早日完成重 ---------------------------------------------------- 我們的頻道 YouTube...

    • 45 秒
  2. 12 小時前 · 他改向市長盧秀燕建議,比照校園「愛媽」模式,在中捷列車推動「愛心爸爸」制度,讓中捷的最大客源學生們搭乘更安全、家長能放心。. 台中 ...

  3. 2024年5月13日 · Some might suggest that god created time, space, and the universe all at the same time. Atheists insist that something cannot come from nothing, and therefore something must have created god in ...

  4. 2024年5月12日 · California already saw a 1.3% decline in fast food jobs from when the wage hike was approved. Studies of previous minimum wage increases found they cost low-skilled workers in Seattle $1,500 ...

  5. 2024年5月11日 · The Special Seven. Catholics believe in seven sacraments, including baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist. Although they’re key parts of Catholic life, the Bible has no key outline. Instead ...

  6. 2024年5月5日 · All children deserve unconditional love and care. But unfortunately, whether they intend to or not, some parents don’t make their children feel as loved as they should. If you weren’t shown ...

  7. 2 天前 · The Adidas collection for Pride 2023 had critics arguing the "woke" brand was trying to erase women. Queer, South African designer Rich Mnisi partnered up with Adidas. The issue was one image, in ...

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