Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋

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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. distance learning; distance education (A method of instruction and learning designed to overcome barriers of time and space by allowing students to study in their own homes or at local facilities, often at their own convenience, using materials available electronically or by mail. Contact with the instructor usually occurs via telephone or e-mail. Telecommunication networks and teleconferencing have facilitated distance learning. Libraries are working to support distance learning by providing online catalogs and databases, electronic reserves, electronic reference service, online tutorials, and electronic document delivery.)

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  2. 海防市( 越南语 :Thành phố Hải Phòng/城庯海防)係 越南 北部嗰中央直辖市,规模仅次于 河內市 和 胡志明市 ,係越南第三大城和越南北部嗰第二大工业中心,拥有越南北方最大嗰港口。. 绰号凤凰木城。. 箇頁頂晏嗰改動係:2024年5月11日 (禮拜六) 23:44。. 箇 ...

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