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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [tʃendʒ]

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. (使)改變;更改;使變化[(+from ... to ...)][(+into)] On second thoughts he changed his mind. 進一步考慮後,他改變了主意。
    • 2. 換;交換,互換[(+for)] We changed seats in the interval. 中間休息時,我們交換了一下座位。

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 改變;更改;變化[(+from ... to ...)] In fall the leaves change from green to brown. 秋天,樹葉由綠變成褐色。
    • 2. 更衣[(+out of/into)] He changed into a new suit. 他換上一套新的西裝。

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 變化;變更;變遷[C][U][(+of/in)] Many changes have taken place since then. 自那以來,發生了許多變化。
    • 2. 改變一下[S1] I think a change might do you good. 我想換換環境也許對你有好處。

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  2. to take something you have bought back to a shop and exchange it for something else. (將購買的東西拿回店裡去)換,交換. I had to change those trousers I bought for (= take them back to the shop in order to get) a bigger pair. 我不得不把買來的褲子拿回去換了條比較大的。. change your mind. B1.

  3. 換;交換,互換[(+for)] We changed seats in the interval. 中間休息時,我們交換了一下座位。 3. 換(衣服);替(嬰孩)換尿布或衣服;給(床)換床單 She changed the baby often. 她不時地給嬰孩換尿布。 4. 兌換(錢)[(+for/into)] Let me change

  4. change verb (CLOTHES/BEDS) A2 [ I or T ] to remove one set of clothes and put a different set on yourself or a young child, especially a baby, or to remove dirty sheets from a bed and put clean ones on it. (给…)换衣服;(给…)换床单. You don't need to change - you look great as you are. 你不用换衣服——这样看上去 ...

  5. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供change的中文意思,change的用法讲解,change的读音,change的同义词,change的反义词,change的例句等英语服务。

  6. in a state of becoming different. 變化中的;改變中的. the rapidly changing world of politics 正在迅速變化的政治世界. changing attitudes towards childcare 對兒童保育不斷變化的看法. changing circumstances 變化中的情況. 减少例句. Changing working patterns mean more flexibility. Our changing eating habits ...

  7. If you change someone or something, you make it or them different. People and things that are always becoming different are changing. 劍橋英語同義詞詞典 © 劍橋大學出版社

  8. 動詞. 改變. "change" 例句. I need to change my car's oil. 我的車子需要更換汽油。. He's changing the channel. 他正在切換頻道。. He's changing the tire of his car. 他正在更換車子的輪胎。.

  9. Will the fare change if I change the reservation? Trancy English - 語言和學習工具。. 您可以通過影片練習聽力,口語,詞匯,文法。. 查詢單詞,使用OpenAI chatGPT進行翻譯,學習英語,應用程式,免費,會話,聽力,說話,聽,詞匯,單詞,同義詞,搭配,成語,俚語,發音 ...

  10. 2017年8月3日 · 如同transfer,這個字也是由trans-字首加上form(形體或形式),英文解釋為「change the outward form or appearance of」,改變外在形體或外表,也有改變性格或是狀態的意思。

  11. SYNONYMY NOTE: change denotes a making or becoming distinctly different and implies either a radical transmutation of character or replacement with something else [I'll change my shoes]; alter implies a partial change, as in appearance, so that the identity

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