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  1. 2024年5月29日 · Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release 1. A Minecraft Java Pre-Release. We're bringing you the first Pre-Release of 1.21 with leashable boats, portal-able Ender Pearls and bug fixes! With this snapshot, we are temporarily removing the functionality of lighting blocks on fire using the Fire Aspect enchantment, as we want to refine it further.

  2. 2024年5月17日 · The 15th Anniversary cape. Get a special cape and today’s Character Creator item. Welcome to day 3 of our 15th anniversary celebration! And today is a special one, because it’s Minecraft’s actual birthday. Yes, on May 17, 2009, Cave Game came out and caused a butterfly effect that would lead to you reading this article 15 years later.

  3. News. Stream Minecraft and earn rewards. Day 4: Watch a creator and get cosmetics for your platform! Minecraft’s 15-year anniversary is in full swing with non-stop celebration raging across cyberspace. We’ve been having cake every single day! At this rate, will we make it through all 15?! Only time – or belly space – will tell!