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  1. 2022年6月27日 · 根据 aflorin 发布的最新版文档(version 85)进行汉化,源地址为: 汉化词库方面,使用所有玩家均能查询到的、集石网幽港迷城《官方中文规则书》的词库,地址为: 原发布地址见 ...

  2. 2022年11月18日 · I played Fist a bunch during testing and figured it wouldn't hurt to get a class guide out early on them. I hope you enjoy and it helps your games! Just so there's no question, this has full class spoilers and some extremely minimal campaign spoilers relating to the unlock.

  3. The Last Gamble, Designer Signature Edition is Danny Parker's final effort to create a memorable game on the Battle of the Bulge. The scale is conventional: 2 miles per hex, battalions and regimental units; two turns per day. However, the game has many innovations never before seen.

  4. 展翅翱翔 官方中文规则书(附录) | Wingspan Download the BGG App on the App Store Download the BGG App on the Google Play Store

  5. Designed as a prequel, Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 does not require you to have completed Season 1 and Season 2 before diving into this Cold War spy thriller. As in the first two Pandemic Legacy games, each time you play brings new cards, rules, and conditions that affect future games.

  6. SPIEL Essen 24 Preview. Oct 03 2024 – Oct 06 2024. Essen, Germany · Hundreds of new games will be introduced at SPIEL Essen 24. This preview covers games debuting at that show or recently released or (for smaller publishers) released since 2023. Publishers, here's how to add your titles.

  7. 2022年4月25日 · Hi, I uploaded and updated my little FAQ and clarification file ( over the last weeks. Now many answers and clarifications should help beginners and even more advanced players to play the game without too many breaks to clarify the rules.