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  1. 「亞洲飛鷹」Jackie(成龍 飾)受伯爵所託,至沙漠替聯合國找尋第二次世界大戰時納粹德軍所收藏之黃金。伯爵並特別安排對沙漠素有研究的助手Ada(鄭裕玲 飾)協助之。途中他們遇上收藏黃金時失蹤的副官之孫女Elsa,三人遂展開一場驚險的撒哈拉沙漠之旅…

  2. 獵空計畫. 2021年 • 110 分鐘. info 並未提供這個項目. arrow_forward. 育有一兒一女與妻子共組完美家庭的空軍中校歐列格,以及即將與妻子迎接新生命的空軍上尉康斯坦丁。. 性格和生活截然不同的兩人,因為政府的決定,共同被派駐至敘利亞的空軍基地執行任務 ...

  3. 豐富的戰爭系統,從單對單作戰到軍團集體作戰,比拼的不僅是策略,還有團隊的協作。. 馬上打開全新的軍事世界,進入《獵鷹行動》參加世界大戰吧!. 我們需要你,指揮官,請帶領我們踏上征程!. 接受使命的召喚吧!. ****** ****** ****** ****** ******. 聯繫我們 ...

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  4. A South Korean Elite Black Eagles Air Force pilot Tae-hun (Jung Ji-hoon) finds himself transferred to a combat flying unit after a cocky, unplanned, and dangerous air show demonstration. On the first day of his transfer to F15K, he meets Cheol-hui (Yu Jun-sang), the unit's own top gun. Tae-hun continues his free-spirited ways and his antics get suspended from duty. Then one day, a ...

  5. Dashing private detective Gay Lawrence (George Sanders) and his sidekick, Goldy Locke (Allen Jenkins), search for the recently escaped and physically imposing convict Moose Malloy (Ward Bond) after he flees the scene of a crime. But they end up investigating the disappearance of Malloy's ex-girlfriend Diana Kenyon (Helen Gilbert) and a series of murders. Lawrence enlists reporter Ann Reardon ...

  6. El oficial John Kang sueña con una vida tranquila con su esposa e hija. Pero después de una operación fallida, su mundo se torna violento tras volverse el blanco de un posible asesinato a manos de un implacable jefe militar camboyano.

  7. 患有唐氏症的查克夢想成為摔角手,他不顧一切逃離照護機構,只為了找到崇拜的傳奇摔角手,向他拜師學藝。查克在路上結識了正在逃避仇家的亡命之徒泰勒,為了尋找查克而心急如焚的看護艾莉諾也隨後趕至。堅毅的生存者遇見不黯世故的純真靈魂,駕起一葉扁舟,他們在逐夢途上碰撞出愛與 ...