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  1. Description. "OpenFlix provides a directory of movies commonly thought to be in the public domain and works their owners are willing to let be distributed. Public Domain refers to the body of creative works and knowledge in which no person, government or organization has any proprietary interest such as a copyright. These works are considered ...

  2. Public-Domain Movie Database. = A Searchable DataBase of Public-Domain Movie Information, Episode Guides and More.

  3. The League of Peers, as part of the community whom this film is intended for, knew how to get the word out about the film (particularly through Boing Boing, the most popular blog in the world, with two million readers a week), and, within a few weeks, nearly everyone who should have heard of the film had heard about it – through their social net...

  4. Voyage from Yesteryear. = Voyage from Yesteryear is a 1982 science fiction novel by the author James P. Hogan. It explores themes of anarchism and the appropriateness of certain social values in the context of high-technology. [1]

  5. The key requirements to become 'superempowered' are comprehension of a complex system's connectivty and operation; access to critical network hubs; possession of a force that can be leveraged against the structure of the system and a willingness to use it. There are a number real weaknesses to this concept, not least that it has thus far been ...

  6. The interpretation of the breath of life theory within the distinct cultures of First Nations peoples is embedded into the theory so as to avoid “pan Aboriginal” approaches that negate the rich diversity of Aboriginal cultures and languages.

  7. "IBM has unveiled its proof of concept for ADEPT, a system developed in partnership with Samsung that uses elements of bitcoin’s underlying design to build a distributed network of devices – a decentralized Internet of Things.

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