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  1. 2011年2月26日 · International Fan Labor in Swedish Independent Music. Essay: Amateur experts: International fan labor in Swedish independent music. Nancy K. Baym and Robert Burnett. Paper Prepared for Internet Research, 9.0, Copenhagen, Denmark. October, 2008.

  2. In the tragic station, we acknowledge and face the tragedy of suffering but often cannot find our way beyond it, so it destroys our capacity to respond, to innovate, or to creatively engage reality. In the post-tragic we have fully faced the tragic and live within it, but are able to transcend and transform it.

  3. Abstract. "The notion of Free Digital Labor has emerged at the center of scientific debate with the advent of platform capitalism. This notion denotes the apparently free activity that users perform on digital platforms, producing, often unknowingly, data without any monetary remuneration. It is therefore particularly useful in signaling the ...

  4. 2007年2月27日 · In General, Radio stations that use specific P2P Computing and P2P Filesharing principles. Examples: Mercora and PeerCast More specifically, the name of a free software enabling P2P radio. P2P Radio 2.0 "P2P-Radio provides a peer-to-peer audio and video

  5. Move Digital URL = Description From the site: "The focus of the service is centered on moving your digital data (hence the name). So beyond ...

  6. Dmytri Kleiner is the author of The Telekommunist Manifesto, and a contributing artist to the “Miscommunication Technologies” continuing series of artworks in collaboration with the Telekommunisten Network. “Miscommunication Technologies” address the social relations embedded in communications technologies by creating platforms that don ...