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  1. Berkshire Hathaway (註: Berkshire Hathaway為一總部位於美國內布拉斯加州奧瑪哈的多元控股公司) 的主席華倫‧巴菲特期望在星期六公布他投注很多心力,一年一度的給股東的信。 The letter, which will mark his 50th anniversary at the company's helm, 這封信將象徵他掌舵這家公司的第五十年頭. is expected to hit 20,000 words as he offers his thoughts on the past year and on investment ideas for the future. 預期將有近 2 萬個字因為他提供了過去一年的想法和未來的投資方向.

  2. 超過 500 萬人使用的線上學英文平台!十萬部 YouTube 影片教材,輕鬆掌握真實情境的日常對話、瞭解單字片語的發音與實用的用法。免費提供中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,是華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的最佳學習方法和工具!多種主題任你選,依照自己的興趣與需求,打造專屬於自己的英語線上 ...

  3. 現在我們開始探討八個方法讓你說話更像美國人. Number one, let's talk about syllables every word that has at least. 第一個就是音節,每個字都至少有兩個以上的音節. two syllables or more has a stressed syllable and a weak syllable, so let's just take the word. 兩個或更多音節裡都有一個重音和一個弱音,舉一個字來說. American We have 3 syllables, right?

  4. 試試看一點一點地修改你的練習。. A study of 86 healthy volunteers were asked to learn a computer-based motor skill over 2 training sessions. 有一個實驗要 86 位健康的志願者在兩段訓練時間中學習電腦技能。. One group's second training session had them learn the task in a slightly altered way, while the ...

  5. 如何快速學習 (How To Learn Faster) 成功人士必備:高度自律人的 6 種好習慣!. (How to be Organized for…. 【勵志推薦】你為了多少錢放棄了你的夢想?. (Up in the Air (3/9) Movie…. 【電影預告】送子鳥:超可愛動畫又來啦!. Storks - Official Announcement….

  6. 用來震撼聽眾的主要技巧. The elements you can adopt to your very next presentation. 而且你馬上可以將這些技巧運用到你下一個台上簡報. Jobs: Welcome to the Mac World 2008. 賈伯斯:歡迎來參加 Mac World 2008 (2008 蘋果新品介紹會) We've got some great stuff for you. There is clearly "something in the air" today. 我們今天準備了很多好料的要給你們。 很明顯的,今天馬上會有驚喜發生. With those words, Jobs opened Mac World 2008,

  7. You've got two answers. 你有兩個答案。 That's what I'm talking about. 我說的就是這個意思。 One camp says it's rent-seeking. 一個陣營說這是尋租。 That's an economist's fancy term for they get paid a lot because they can get away with getting paid a lot. 這是經濟學家的花言巧語,意思是他們拿高薪是因為他們可以不拿高薪。 They essentially are extracting resources from the company. 他們實質上是在榨取公司的資源。

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