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  1. 2019年12月15日 · Dec 14, 2019. 今日想和大家介紹的「元素山谷」,我們是看到IG介紹才知道,是少有的香港的原創桌遊 (其實印象中我們沒玩過香港出的桌遊)。 . 「元素山谷」的玩家扮演元素學院的學徒,要參元素學院的畢業試,目標是最快達到要求的畢業分數。 要勝出遊戲,玩家須要考慮怎樣令自己山谷的地標互相配合,並把握機會攻擊對手。 . 每位玩家輪流回合,每回合可以做 3 個行動,行動包括拿取元素卡或地標卡、建造或升級地標,以及使用地標技能。 6 種元素各有特色及功用,例如光屬性可拿很多 VP (分數),電屬性可拿更多元素能量,火可攻擊、水可防守等。 元素還可以混合去建造獨特的地標,例如火加地變成火山,水加火變成蒸汽泉等。 遊戲還有學院 (場地)及角色增加變化。 .

  2. Paris is a two-player board game by José Antonio Abascal infused with Parisian aesthetics by the boardgame’s artist Oriol Hernández. The game is set in late 19th century Paris during the 1889 “Exposition Universelle,” or world’s fair, when public electricity was a hot topic. Electricity spread throughout the city, creating today’s ...

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  3. The definitive source for board game and card game content. Find millions of ratings, reviews, videos, photos, and more from our community of experts.

  4. Classification. Time of Legends: Joan of Arc is set amid the tumult of the 100 Years War, when kings and princes struggle for the throne of France. This is the age of knights and squires, where chivalry is often spoken of, but rarely practiced. It is a time of both religion and superstition. Educated clerics fervently believe that angels guard ...

  5. Classification. Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition) is a game of galactic conquest in which three to six players take on the role of one of seventeen factions vying for galactic domination through military might, political maneuvering, and economic bargaining. Every faction offers a completely different play experience, from the wormhole-hopping ...

  6. 坐落于维斯特洛大陆上七大王国中的各大家族为争夺铁王座的权位而进行着惨烈的争斗。 在“权力的游戏”卡牌中正上演着这一幕幕明争暗斗。 乔治R.R.马丁的畅销系列小说《冰与火之歌》中为大家所熟识的英雄、恶棍、场景以及事件都将栩栩如生地出现在游戏中。 玩家将扮演史塔克、拜拉席恩、兰尼斯特或坦格利安家族,试图通过密谋、争斗、共谋、欺骗及贿赂等种种手段获得最后的胜利! “权力的游戏”支持三至四位玩家间的相互混战模式,同时也适合两位玩家的一对一较量。 但无论何种模式,战局才刚刚展开! 在Living Card Game (LCG)世界. 中,数以百计的独立扩充卡牌可以让玩家构建出完全属于自己的四大家族牌组,征战维斯特洛大陆! 欢迎来到“权力的游戏”卡牌世界,您将感受到前所未有的维斯特洛激战体验!

  7. Hegemony is an asymmetric politico-economic card-driven board game for 2-4 players that puts you in the role of one of the socio-economic groups in a fictional state: The Working Class, the Middle Class, the Capitalist Class and the State itself. The Working class controls the workers. The Capitalist class controls the companies.

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