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  1. For general information see Taiwan.For current development, see the Delicious tag at An alternative directory can be ...

  2. Chia-Liang Kao, a co-founder of the community, introduced and found that it visually defined and gave space to divergent opinion groups and broke the community’s deadlock by identifying the points of consensus.

  3. For a list of pages see Category:Taiwan.For current development, see the Delicious tag at An alternative directory can be found ...

  4. Description. Jess Scully: "Taiwan’s civic hackers were organized around a leaderless collective called g0v (pronounced “gov zero.”) Many believed in radical transparency, in throwing opaque processes open to the light, and in the idea that everyone who is affected by a decision should have a say in it.

  5. SOP for OSS is a Standard operating procedures for open source softwares. It is run by the Chinese Open Systems Association. By late 2005 it had completed SOP documents for installing and configuring Fedora core 2, webmin, apache, sendmail, mysql, samba, phpnuke, tomcat, openwebmail, firewall and

  6. Coordination with neighboring tribal communities on mutual recognition and shared governance of overlapping traditional territories. The negotiation starts from: 1. collective memory of migration routes; 2. historical tribal sites; and 3. contemporary living spaces. Mutual endorsement establishes the legitimacy of tribal sovereignties.

  7. Description Via Hugu Sutej: "The small tribe Qalang Smangus of Atayal people lives in mountain area of northern Taiwan, who has gained great achievement in striving for a sustainable community livelihood and well-being for all beings around us through tribal ...