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  1. Voyage from Yesteryear. = Voyage from Yesteryear is a 1982 science fiction novel by the author James P. Hogan. It explores themes of anarchism and the appropriateness of certain social values in the context of high-technology. [1]

  2. "Manfred Max-Neef is a Chilean economist who has worked for many years with the problem of development in the Third World, articulating the inappropriateness of conventional models of development, that have lead to increasing poverty, massive debt and ecological disaster for many Third World communities.

  3. 他与合作出品了长达三小时的电视记录片“TechnoCalyps:科技的形而上学和人类的灭亡”,并合作编辑了两本关于“数字社会人类学”的法语书,他还是比利时法兰德斯数字杂志Wave的首席编辑。

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