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  1. 2024年3月26日 · 巴爾的摩交通大橋「Francis Scott Key Bridge」,在當地時間26日凌晨1點30分遭新加坡貨輪撞擊後崩塌,傳出至少20人落水,當地消防局宣布「大規模傷亡 ...

  2. 23 分鐘前 · The military has selected 12 locations, including airports and beaches, that would likely be used for anti-aircraft landing drills during the live-fire component of the annual Han Kuang exercises ...

  3. 2024年6月9日 · By Jonathan Chin / Staff writer. Current and former US military leaders are increasingly urging Washington to abandon its long-standing policy of “strategic ambiguity” to counter Beijing’s ...

  4. 2024年3月26日 · 〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕美國馬里蘭州最大城巴爾的摩市(Baltimore)一座橫跨帕塔普斯科河(Patapsco River)重要橋樑「法蘭西斯史考特基大橋 ...

  5. 3 天前 · were able to locate key evidence and indict 12 people thanks to an electronic storage device detection dog named Wafer, the Kaohsiung Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Corps said at a ...

  6. 2024年6月8日 · Staff writer, with CNATaiwanese supply chain partners such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) would be crucial for US-based Advanced Micro Devices Inc’s (AMD) next ...

  7. 2022年2月16日 · 等了30年聚會所終動工!. 馬當部落長老吟唱古謠激動到對不到key. 馬當部落聚會所今天動土,伊都卡賴長老階層行傳統祭儀。. (記者黃明堂攝 ...

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