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  1. The definitive source for tabletop games. Find millions of ratings, reviews, videos, photos, and more from our community.

  2. Description Edit History. 小心! 對手好像快破解妳的密碼了! 第二次世界大戰,同盟國破解了納粹的密碼,大幅縮短了戰爭。 現在,你和你的解碼小組要想辦法破解對手的加密訊息,同時傳遞加密訊息給其他隊友! 截碼戰考驗語言表達能力、聯想能力以及邏輯思考,簡單好學又挑戰彼此的團隊默契。 小心! 對手好像快破解妳的密碼了! 第二次世界大戰,同盟國破解了納粹的密碼,大幅縮短了戰爭。 現在,你和你的解碼小組要想辦法破解對手的加密訊息,同時傳遞加密訊息給其他隊友! 截碼戰考驗語言表達能力、聯想能力以及邏輯思考,簡單好學又挑戰彼此的團隊默契。

    • 9.06 x 6.30 x 1.97 inches
    • GoKids 玩樂小子
    • Fabien FulchironNILSManuel Sanchez
    • 2018
  3. Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Board Game is an adventure-driven strategy game for 1-3 players set in the cult fantasy universe. The game includes competitive, cooperative, and solo scenarios to battle and explore your way through. The adventure maps will be represented by tiles, with each tile divided into seven hexagonal fields.

  4. Primal: the Awakening is a fully cooperative monster hunting miniature boardgame for 1-4 players set in a fantasy world where humans struggle to survive an untamed wilderness.

  5. Fulfill your quest to leave your legacy! Plan and build a modern, scientifically managed zoo to support conservation projects. Build an intergalactic empire through trade, research, conquest and grand politics. Influence, intrigue, and combat in the universe of Dune. Compete with rival CEOs to make Mars habitable and build your corporate empire.

  6. 2020年3月17日 · This version has iron clays inside and tray insert.

  7. Mark Swanson is a retired professor and owner of Odd Bird Games who lives in Lake Saint Louis, Missouri. As a kid, he was drawn to science fiction and fantasy authors Piers Anthony, David Eddings and J.R.R. Tolkien, so, it’s no surprise that the story-rich themes found in Eurostyle games struck his fancy too.

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