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  1. 2010年10月1日 · The definitive source for tabletop games. Find millions of ratings, reviews, videos, photos, and more from our community.

  2. 當你一張一張地翻開寶藏,試著搜刮最多的寶藏時,如果抽到的都是不同花色的寶藏,便能增加你的財富;一旦出現兩件相同花色的寶藏,就會引發爆炸! 你的回合結束,眼前的寶藏全數沉入大海,消失無蹤! 夥伴! 如果是你,你會怎麼做? 再抽一張吧! 13歲以上|2-4人|15分鐘 牌套:65×90mm×94張.

    • Chinese
    • 2017
    • Swan Panasia Co., Ltd.
  3. Influence, intrigue, and combat in the universe of Dune. Compete with rival CEOs to make Mars habitable and build your corporate empire. The Fellowship and the Free Peoples clash with Sauron over the fate of Middle-earth. Strike from your hidden base as the Rebels—or find and destroy it as the Empire.

  4. Daybreak is a co-operative game about climate action. Each player controls a world power, deploying policies and technologies to both dismantle the engine of global heating and to build resilient societies that protect people from life-threatening crises.

  5. 2020年3月17日 · This version has iron clays inside and tray insert.

  6. SPOTW. Welcome to a guild about solitaire board gaming. The guild started as a place for fans of the 1 Player Podcast, but quickly became a guild for anybody interested in solo games, whether or not they listen to the podcast. Folks discuss recommendations, trades, ideas, and just about anything solitaire-related.

  7. Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game, based on the four movies of the Alien series, is a fully cooperative game with original art. While based on the Marvel superheroes version of Legendary, the two games will be compatible but cannot be fully integrated.

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