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  1. 高嘉鴻英文翻譯: chia-hung kao…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋高嘉鴻英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯高嘉鴻,高嘉鴻的英語例句用法和解釋。 高嘉鴻英文_高嘉鴻英文怎麼說

  2. 例句與用法. Tall trees arched across the river . 高大的樹木成拱形橫跨過那條河。. This breed of horses is both tall and heavily grown . 這種馬既且大。. Tall tales have a certain sameness . 荒誕不經的故事有點千篇一律。.

  3. 例句與用法. The question is apt in this case as well . 這個問題現在同樣 適用 。. They are adapted for rough, heavy service . 它們 適用 于粗糙、繁重的工作。. And that's how it is with your water situation . 這也 適用 你們的飲水問題。. The rational numbers also fit into this scheme . 有理數也 適用 ...

  4. 例句與用法. Certain rushes reached 30 feet in height . 某些蒲類 高達 三十英尺。. Houses-often three storeys high were built of stone . 房屋--往往 高達 三層--全是石砌的。. Most estimates ranged to ten percent, several to fifteen . 大多數估計 高達 10,有的能到15。. During an algal bloom the ph of the ...

  5. 用拭干造句和"拭干"的例句: 1. 寒冷季節可用干毛刷刷拭干凈。. 2. 處的皮膚擦凈拭干,然后再貼。. 點擊查看更多拭干的造句...

  6. 2 (雙語)面相學小課堂:臉長的男人智商?大鼻子代表有野心? 3 動詞Forget在口語中的幾種用法! 4 耶魯女孩:背單詞最好的方法就是死記硬背! 5 (雙語)尷尬!加拿大總理特魯多G7峰會發言時假眉毛脫落!

  7. The cream rose to the top some time ago . 天賦的人早已爬到了上面。. The house was completed five months ago . 這幢房子是5個月前竣工的。. A week ago you made a definite promise . 你一個星期前就滿口答應過。. He came here a scant three months ago . 他將近三個月以前才到這里。. He had this same ...

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