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  1. › zh › 結腸Wikizero - 结肠

    結腸,中國古稱回腸 [1],是大多數脊椎動物 消化系統的最後一部分,在將固體廢物排出體外前吸收水和鹽。結腸中未吸收的廢物也在微生物(主要是細菌)的幫助下發酵。在食品和營養物質的吸收方面,結腸不像小腸,較不重要,然而,結腸吸收水分,鉀和一些脂溶性維生素 [2]。

  2. ^Guyton, Arthur C.; Hall, John E. Textbook of medical physiology 11th. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. 2005: 397. ISBN 0-7216-0240-1. ^ Longo, Dan; et al. Harrison's ...

  3. In addition to the polyptych, the church contains the following artworks: Coronation of the Virgin with Saints (circa 1534) by il Moretto, 2nd altar to left. Passion of Christ with Moses and Solomon (or David) (1541-1542) by Moretto, 3rd altar to right. Annunciation by Gabriello Rottini, 3rd altar to left. ...

  4. 本种是现存体型最大的一种穿山甲,成年雄性体长可达1.4米,雌性约1.25米。主要以蚂蚁和白蚁为。昼伏出。雌性每胎产仔一只。[1] 参考文献 [编辑] ^

  5. 《茹此精彩13首(香港版)》於1997年10月發行。這是上華唱片為了進軍香港市場,特地精選許茹芸前四張專輯的金曲, 並加上三首新歌,組成了這張精選輯。 專輯甫推出,就拿下香港IFPI排行榜冠軍。 專輯簡介 [编辑] 許茹芸首張精選輯,13首好歌中包含「留低鎖匙」、「哭牆」兩首粵語新歌;主打歌 ...

  6. WikiZero Özgür Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumanın En Kolay Yolu Biografia [modifica | modifica wikitesto] Bernardo Bernardi nasce a Medicina nel 1916.Nel 1946 si laurea in etnologia all'Università La Sapienza di Roma, e consegue il dottorato di ricerca in studi africani all'Università di Città del Capo e il post-graduate certificate in Education all'Università di Londra.

  7. WikiZero Özgür Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumanın En Kolay Yolu Mutaib bin Abdullah Al Rashid (died January 1869) was the third ruler of the Emirate of Jabal Shammar whose reign was very brief between 1868 and 1869. Biography [] Mutaib was one of the sons of Abdullah bin Ali Al Rashid who established the Emirate of Jabal Shammar in 1836 and ruled it until 1848.