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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. an alarm or signal given for a disaster or its approach

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  2. 2019年11月24日 · alarm 中文意思是指「警報警報器」的意思,alarm 的名詞複數為alarms。 alarm 當作動詞用的時候,中文意思為「使驚慌不安,使恐懼」。 其三態分別為:過去式:alarmed、過去分詞:alarmed、現在分詞:alarming。

  3. alarm noun (WORRY) C2 [ U ] sudden worry and fear, especially that something dangerous or unpleasant might happen. 驚恐,驚慌;擔憂. I didn't tell her that he was late because I didn't want to cause her any alarm. 我沒有告訴她他來晚了,因為我不想讓她擔驚受怕。 Villagers have reacted with alarm to news of a proposed new road. 聽說有修新路的計劃,村民都十分擔憂。 更多範例. 習語. raise the alarm.

  4. 警報】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:alarm驚恐; 警報; 鬧鈴; 動員令;alert警覺的,警惕的,注意的; 思維敏捷的; 活潑的;warning警告; 征候,預兆; 前車之鑒;alarm signal警報警報信號;larum警報,警鐘;。

  5. false alarm uk / ˌfɒls əˈlɑːm/ us / ˌfɑːls əˈlɑːrm/ noun. an occasion when people wrongly believe that something dangerous or unpleasant is happening or will happen: Three fire engines rushed to the school only to discover it was a false alarm. 3辆救火车疾驰到学校,结果却发现是假火警。. 查看更多.

  6. 警報英文翻譯: alarm; warning; alert 短語和例子發警報…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋警報英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯警報,警報的英語例句用法和解釋。

  7. noun. uk / əˈlɜːt / us / əˈlɝːt / C1 [ C or U ] a warning to people to be prepared to deal with something dangerous. 警報. a bomb alert 炸彈警報. The army was put on ( full) alert as the peace talks began to fail. 當和談快要破裂的時候,軍隊進入(全面)戒備狀態。 The public were warned to be on the alert for (= watching carefully for) suspicious packages. 有關部門提醒公眾,要對可疑包裹加以警惕。

  8. 藉助 SolarWinds Alert CentralIT 專業人士如今能夠將多個系統的 IT 警報集中 單個整合視圖中,讓團隊成員能夠存取調度日曆,自動升 級 警報 , 並 不論IT 人員是否擁有 VPN 存取權限,都可以完全免費地從其電腦或行動設備上進行回應,。

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