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  1. This instructable explains the basics of fruits spherification. It gives example of desserts with orange, lemon, raspberry and kiwi. For your first try I recommend a fruit with strong taste like lemon. Step 1: Ingredients. - Fruit juice. - Sugar. - Agar Agar. - Water. - Yogurt. - Cold vegetable oil. - Syringe. - Jar. Step 2: Prepare the Mixture.

  2. Learn how to make DIY slime filled gushers candy! These DIY liquid filled candies are super easy to make and turn out just like the real thing! Follow along step by step:

  3. How to Cook Papadums: Papadums are those giant round crackery things that you get at the Indian restaurant. It turns out that you can actually make these at home with a minimal amount of effort, so that you can serve crisp warm papadums alongside dinner at home. And w….

  4. Step 1: What You Are Going to Need. Materials for the mold: Oomoo #25 or 30. Mold release. Glass bottle to be molded. Plastic bottle ( at least 1" wider than the bottle to be mold) Materials for the candy glass: Sugar. Light corn syrup. Cream of tartar. Water. Food colorant. Tools: Candy thermometer. An old cooking pot. Thick gloves.

  5. Step 1: 查看刀刃. 找一个光线好的地方,例如太阳底下,举起刀刃。 您会看到平顺处和豁口处的反光。 对于图中的刀刃来说,靠近末端的地方情况很差。 Step 2: 用指甲试试刀刃. 用刀刃轻触您的指甲,看看是顺滑的还是有挂住指甲的感觉。 如果顺滑,则说明至少这个区域的刀刃是钝的,也就是不够锋利。 安全提示:不要切着您的手指。 Step 3: 弄平磨刀石. 去唐人街花大概一美元买一块磨刀石。 如果您所在的城市没有唐人街,那就设法找一块或者搬到先进一点的地方。 这是一块“水石”,意思是在磨刀时要用水冲掉磨下来的粉末。 一些人喜欢“油石”,这种石头用的是油。

  6. A simple, strong, airy foam made from Parmesan cheese. Great as a topping on crackers or pasta dishes. Step 0: Gather Ingredients and Tools. Ingredients. 1 1/4 cup water. 1 2/3 cup Parmesan. 2g soy lecithin. Tools. Immersion Blender. Shallow Bowl/Dish. Pot. Serving Dish (somewhere to put the foam after you make it)

  1. 滷味口香糖是什麼 相關

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