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  1. 現在,我們已準備好補給品,是時候製作了! 在 Minecraft 中製作 開啟您的物品欄。您可在物品欄中查看自己攜帶的所有物品、穿戴的盔甲、製作配方,以及製作網格。製作網格由四個空置的正方形欄位組成,並有一個箭頭指向「製作」下的第五個正方形欄位。

  2. 了解如何建立 Minecraft 版 Add-Ons,例如外觀、地圖和材質包。. 成為合作夥伴,並探索如何在市集中銷售 MC Add-Ons。.

  3. This also enables some highly-requested features like capes! As we continued working on the Character Creator, we thought that a lot of vanilla Minecraft players would enjoy its features, so we decided to bring it to the base Minecraft game as well! Not only that, but your characters will sync between both games!

  4. This becomes easy with a tool like BlockBench. In Blockbench, open the cow from the default Minecraft resource pack that you’ve downloaded. One small fix is needed – you’ll want to rotate the body of the cow by -90 degrees on the X axis to make it fit. Then, you can then design and create many facets of the cow model.

  5. 2021年7月27日 · This becomes easy with a tool like BlockBench. In Blockbench, open the cow from the default Minecraft resource pack that you’ve downloaded. One small fix is needed – you’ll want to rotate the body of the cow by -90 degrees on the X axis to make it fit. Then, you can then design and create many facets of the cow model.

  6. 無論您是想在黑夜中生存下去,還是創作藝術品,如何體驗遊戲取決於您自己!但要學習新遊戲的玩法,可能會讓人不知從何著手。為了協助您的遊戲旅程,我們提供了涵蓋 Minecraft 基本知識的資源庫從如何製作物品或使用控制器到如何與朋友一起遊玩

  7. Minecraft 的世界相當巨大,何不趁此機會讓它超越方塊界限呢?. 使用我們最愛的 Minecraft 桌布和社群橫幅等,自訂您的裝置!. 查看所有收藏品. 在 Minecraft 官方網站探索全新遊戲冒險、配件和商品。. 在此購買和下載遊戲,或是查看網站掌握最新消息。.