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  1. 2023年3月7日 · That’s what NASA is on a mission to discover: and now you can join in! In the brand-new Artemis Mission DLC, launching in partnership between Minecraft Education, NASA, and the Challenge Center, you can build a space rocket capable of taking you all the way to the moon! Suitable for curious minds, space lovers, children, and families alike ...

  2. Remarkable Rocket. Brilliant build proves building big is better with a buddy! Humans love the sky. We love flight. On the list of favorite superpowers it’s right up there with having super strength and being rich - I’m looking at you Batman. But despite how much we love to fly, humans just weren’t meant to, otherwise we’d have wings.

  3. Space Craft. An astronomical new build from LNeoX. Some ideas are so good that scientists really need to HURRY UP and make them reality. Like chocolate ice cream that somehow makes you thinner after eating nine tubs of it. Or an umbrella that both keeps you dry and makes your enemies more wet. Or a space station capable of crafting new galaxies ...

  4. Minecraft 的世界相當巨大,何不趁此機會讓它超越方塊界限呢?. 使用我們最愛的 Minecraft 桌布和社群橫幅等,自訂您的裝置!. 查看所有收藏品. 在 Minecraft 官方網站探索全新遊戲冒險、配件和商品。. 在此購買和下載遊戲,或是查看網站掌握最新消息。.

  5. › zh-hant › 10th-anniversary10 週年慶 | Minecraft

    與我們一起歡慶. 十年來的創造、探索與強韌的生命力。. 十年來的生物、模組與嘆為觀止的創作。. 十年來您在我們遊戲中不斷搭建的驚人建築物。. 十年來您將我們的警告拋在腦後,只為一探究竟。. 十年來我們一直想知道您的下一步行動會是什麼。. Minecraft ...

  6. 探索 Minecraft. Minecraft 是一款由方塊、生物和社群共同組成的遊戲。. 方塊可用來重塑世界或打造精彩的創作。. 看您的玩法而定,您可以跟各種生物交戰或做朋友。. 您可以選擇單打獨鬥或跟朋友一起體驗史詩級的冒險,沒有所謂正確的制式玩法。. 除非您垂直 ...

  7. › zh-hans › 10th-anniversary十周年 | Minecraft

    十年的创新、探索和生存。. 十年间涌现了无数怪物形象、模组和非凡创作。. 十年间不断为大家在我们的游戏中建造出的精彩作品而惊喜不已。. 十年来大家无惧我们发出的警报持续深入探究。. 十年来一直为大家的下一个新创作而喜出望外。. “我的世界”诞生 ...

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