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  1. 2011年3月26日 · Additionally, the non-storyteller players score 1 point for every vote received by their card. The game ends when the deck is empty or if a player has scored at least 30 points. In either case, the player with the most points wins. The Dixit base game and each expansion contains 84 cards, and the cards can be mixed together as desired.

    • (65.6K)
  2. Oink Games is a game publisher in Japan. Designer Jun Sasaki is CEO of Oink Games. Microbadge :: Download the BGG App on the App Store Download the BGG App on the Google Play Store

  3. In Oriflamme, the players find themselves in the middle of a medieval feud over the French royal crown.The King is dead! Long live the King! As heads of influential families, players strive to come to power with cunning and malice, power and strength, virtue and

  4. Who can you trust? A game of social deduction set in King Arthur’s legendary realm.

  5. Rewrite history as you build up your civilization in this epic card drafting game!

  6. Rummikub is similar to several central European card games which are played with two decks of playing cards, including Machiavelli and Vatikan. Ephraim Hertzano invented the tile game Rummikub in the 1940s when card-playing was outlawed under the ...

  7. During the course of the game, players will upgrade their characters by acquiring skills, allies, items, weapons, and spells. It's up to the players to clean out the streets of Arkham by fighting many different types of monsters, but their main goal is to close gates to other dimensions that are opening up around town.