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  1. Axis & Allies Pacific is the second stand-alone game expansion to the Axis & Allies game system. In this game, three main powers (Britain, Japan, and the US) square off against each other against the backdrop of the Pacific ocean.

    • (2K)
  2. 2016年12月13日 · 在以住的Arkham Horror 系列遊戲裏,玩家限於在幾個行動裏使用一個去完成目標,而這次AH LCG 卡牌的新元素,就是透過卡牌提供一個層面去給你強化角色,甚至使用基本以外的行動,使你有更多變的策略,更多微細的調整。 卡牌主要的用途是一些裝備卡,或是技能卡。 而另一個用途,就是根據卡牌的屬性,玩家可以直接用來幫助自己或是同伴的檢定。 與舊系列比較,AH / EH /MOM 就是在遊戲中找尋道具強化自己,而AH LCG 則是先準備好裝備,才進入戰場。 遊戲流程. 1. Mythos Phase (神話階段) -放置 1 個未日指示物到行程卡 (Agenda)上。 -檢查未日指示物到數量有否滿足行程卡,如果滿足,觸發新的經歷。 (必定是壞事) -每個玩家抽一張遭遇並解決。 (必定是壞事)

  3. The Resistance: Avalon pits the forces of Good and Evil in a battle to control the future of civilization. Arthur represents the future of Britain, a promise of prosperity and honor, yet hidden among his brave warriors are Mordred's unscrupulous minions.

    • (33.7K)
  4. In Ticket to Ride Legacy: Legends of the West, players embark on twelve journeys across North America as 19th century pioneers. The campaign begins on the East Coast, with players working their way to the West from one adventure to the next, meeting challenges along the way.

  5. 2021年10月29日 · I'm nearing roughly 1,000 total plays of various versions of Agricola. I've played roughly 200 games of revised edition of Agricola, including over 100 of this exact set of cards on BGA over the past few months. I've gotten ranked as high as number 3 on BGA and overall am highly rated.

  6. The board has multiple different zones with specific attributes, a market, a travel zone, a crafting zone, a church, and a council house. Many of these offer multiple options, so even if you take a cube from the crafting area, you can get an ox, a horse, a cart, a plow, a scroll, or convert wheat to gold.

  7. Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan (2011) Defend or depose the Toyotomi heir by commanding the loyalty of the feudal lords. 7.336. 8.01. 5972. 203. Castles of Mad King Ludwig (2014) Choose and play tiles to satisfy the king's whims and build the best fantasy castle. 7.335.

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