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  1. 2010年7月2日 · If you didn't brick up your iPhone on the last firmware update... if your game table is an iPhone... sit back and enjoy a few board games. Please feel free to add the ones I've missed, comment on ones I've listed and, in general, push the field of mobile gaming

  2. 2010年9月17日 · Just saw that Neuroshima Hex is available in App Store.

  3. You will want headphones on while listening to this if others are sensitive to the f*bomb.

  4. Tune in for digital board game news every two weeks. For more details about the changes and our goals check out this blog post. Oceans Board Game - Digital App - North Star Games Digital. Oceans is Out! North Star Digital Studios is back with Oceans. You can try this one for free and then pay for additional expansions. Platforms: iOS, Android.

  5. 2013年9月12日 · It's a faithful adaption of the game and it's probably the best iOS dungeon crawler around. It has an RPG feel: you travel to towns to trade, train, etc., your characters level up and acquire better items and equipment, and their is additional content if you want.

  6. 2020年2月2日 · Last fall I started a list of digital board games currently available on iOS and/or iPadOS for my own use. I realized I'd began to collect digital board games and wanted to track the games I was interested in purchasing at some point in an Airtable database. I got a little carried away….

  7. 2011年3月23日 · I got an iPhone 4 and love it. Was thinking of getting an iPad now, especially since GMT Games will be releasing some of their games for the iPad. Now with VASSAL running on otitis is putting me over the edge. I have a stupid question regarding this ap.

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