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  1. 群眾募資 (crowdfunding)已經逐漸成為桌遊出版的一大主流,建立這個Geeklist是希望讓大家可以在這邊揪人一起贊助多套遊戲的方案,只要您注意到募資網站有哪些新的桌遊企畫看起來還不錯,就可以在下面 新增一個Item ( 內容範例在此 ),而對某個遊戲有興趣想加入湊的朋友就在那個 Item底下留言說要跟並留下相關資料 ,只要湊到預定人數就可以請主揪勇敢幫大家贊助下去啦! 我會不定時新增看起來不錯的遊戲在上面,如果我自己想訂,我很樂意當主揪幫大家服務,其他我沒有訂的遊戲或者開太多組的團購就要麻煩大家協調一下誰要出來當主揪囉! 感謝定期為大家新增與整理Items的大大! (期待熱心的你一起加入~) laycelin. @laycelin. Citie Lo. @e0004252.

  2. 2012年7月8日 · [打出城堡可選擇放置騎士] 5.放上騎士後可以從城堡開始選擇一個方向將騎士進行移動,移動規則如下: a.移動從城堡開始放置騎士,依所選方向之地形放置剩餘的騎士,中間不可跳過板塊不放,若有人數已滿或不可進入的地形則不可再前進;b.

  3. That Time You Killed Me is an abstract narrative game of time and murder that introduces new scenarios with unique rules and components as you play. As with any game about mucking about across time, you must play through this content in a strict, unalterable order. To set up, place three game boards in a row to represent past, present, and future.

  4. Mice and Mystics is a cooperative adventure game in which the players work together to save an imperiled kingdom. They will face countless adversaries such as rats, cockroaches, and spiders, and of course the greatest of all horrors: the castle's housecat, Brodie. Mice and Mystics is a boldly innovative game that thrusts players into an ever ...

  5. 那麽,放輕松開始狂歡的慶典吧! 內容物一覽: 卡牌:33張 規則書:1份 註意:關於本擴展 本擴展為《散櫻亂武》桌面遊戲的擴展包。進行遊戲需要與《散櫻亂武》遊戲本體同使用。

  6. As an architect in Welcome To..., you want to build the best new town in the United States of the 1950s by adding resources to a pool, hiring employees, and more. Welcome To... plays like a roll-and-write dice game in which you mark results on a score-sheet...but without dice. ...

  7. Description. Edit. In Great Western Trail: New Zealand, you are a runholder — that is, the owner of a sheep station — on the South Island of New Zealand at the end of the 19th century. Recent years have seen your family farm prosper by diversifying your breeds of sheep and by increasing the value of your wool.

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