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  1. 2023年7月4日 · 註:因為遊戲目前尚無統一中文翻譯,使用Board Game Arena遊戲裡的中文翻譯,可能專有名詞上不甚精確有些錯誤 (例如Aeroplane被譯為「滑翔翼」而不是「飛機」)

  2. 2016年11月1日 · 每位玩家的玩家版左下角都有一片放置区,玩家可以往上放置蓝色物品片,绿色物品片,矿物与银币。任何时刻玩家都可以把自己的这些东西放置在放置区上,但一旦放在上面后,便不允许改动位置,或者拿下来。除非有行动效果明确告诉玩家可以这么做。

  3. I have spent the last few days searching for a logical, consistent and CLEAR interpretation as to how to use the Hatchet's ability card, The Favorite (top action). The wording of this card leaves me at a loss as how to properly use the ability. Every explanation I have

  4. Classification. Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs is a solo play game, with an original campaign story written by Isaac Childres, that features a playstyle similar to Gloomhaven in a fraction of the size. Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs is set after the events of Gloomhaven and Forgotten Circles. The Aesther recluse Hail has earned a reputation for being ...

  5. In Pest, players slip into the roles of leaders of the ruling houses of a once great empire that was struck by a cataclysmic plague. The plague has left much of the empire in ruins, so now it is up to the players to restore it to its former glory. Pest is played in 6 rounds. Each round before players take their turn, a plague card will be ...

  6. › video › 402858BoardGameGeek

    2022年10月6日 · Townsfolk Wanted! 派遣小鎮 》 ?遊戲人數: 2-4? | 遊玩時間: 40-80分鐘? ?遊戲介紹: 在《派遣小鎮》中玩家扮演公會長 透過各種工人幫忙探險與經商建立財富 遊戲最後最多財富的人就會名揚四海! ?機制: 公開輪選 隨機物件 成套蒐集 結束獎勵 ?前導介紹? 00:00 遊戲介紹 00:33 玩家設置 00:45 中央設置 01:31 遊戲 ...

  7. Maladum is a fantasy miniatures board game in which you control a band of adventurers seeking their fortune in the ancient dungeons of Enveron. They must fight off the Revenant hordes as they search for valuable artefacts and negotiate with a varied cast of NPCs. Maladum is built on the bestselling sci-fi game Core Space but has been overhauled ...

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