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  1. 2012年2月14日 · Chien-Tsun Chen. ( smoox) 作者: Dmitry Knorre, Sergey Machin. 出版年:2010. 遊戲人數:2-4人. 遊戲時間:30分鐘. 遊戲概念. 地球上生命的演化,究竟是天擇抑或是人擇? 也許這問題的爭論還沒有止息但從你手中創造出來的生物們能否在大自然嚴峻的考驗下順利覓得食物渡過寒冬? 能否在獵食者潛伏的險境中演化出獨特的保命之術? 生命的奧妙,就讓你自己來探索吧! 第一次注意到這遊戲是在去年Essen之前,忘記是哪裡的介紹提到 Rightgames RBG SIA 這家俄羅斯的出版社要帶這款遊戲去Essen,第一眼看到這遊戲的封面和卡片背後那暗綠色的山椒魚圖案,立刻就被深深吸引! (也許是念生物的原罪吧,總是無法抵擋這類型的遊戲題材)

  2. 2017年8月25日 · 遊戲背景介紹. 1907年,一批探險者,在南極附近探索到一個新的大陸,一個唯一尚未發現的新大陸-第七大陸。 經歷了一輪探索,你們成功回來。 不欠之後,奇怪的事發生了! 你在報紙看見你的探險團友相繼離奇失蹤。 不約而同地,這幾天你都開始感到坐立不安,欠缺生氣。 你感覺到寒風刺骨,你終於覺悟到你已經受到詛咒,魔鬼正在呼喚你。 當晚,在自己都沒有意會到的情況下,你陷入了一個奇怪的睡眠,而這一切都只是詛咒的開端... 遊戲各項評價: 遊戲的系統: 遊戲是一款野外求生遊戲,顧名思義,就是存活跟探索。 玩家的生命就是剩下卡牌的數量,玩家執行行動時需要支付不同數量的卡牌,再在卡牌上看有多少個成功 (完整的星星),從而查看行動成功與否,再執行結果,成功的結果不定是好東西,失敗也不一定是的後果。

  3. Food Chain Magnate is a heavy strategy game about building a fast food chain. The focus is on building your company using a card-driven (human) resource management system. Players compete on a variable city map through purchasing, marketing and sales, and on a job market for key staff members. The game can be played by 2-5 serious gamers in 2-4 ...

  4. Classic game of sending nukes against your enemies. The definitive source for tabletop games. Find millions of ratings, reviews, videos, photos, and more from our community.

  5. Open the Death by Chef’s Knife Case File to start the crime scene investigation. Famed chef Lorenzo Ritelli has been murdered in his own New York restaurant. The hunt is on to find a killer and it’s up to you to solve this culinary mystery. This Case File includes all the evidence you need to solve the murder.

  6. Taco vs. Burito is a deliciously unpredictable card game where players compete to create the weirdest, wildest meal. On your turn: Draw one card and: Add an ingredient card to a Taco/Burrito - or -. Add Tummy Aches to reduce the value of a meal -or-. Add a Hot Sauce Boss to double the value of a meal!

  7. In Apiary, each player controls one of twenty unique factions. Your faction starts the game with a hive, a few resources, and worker bees. A worker-placement, hive-building challenge awaits you: explore planets, gather resources, develop technologies, and create carvings to demonstrate your faction's strengths (measured in victory points) over ...

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