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  1. ‍ 當心!貪婪可能使你一無所獲!當你一張一張地翻開寶藏,著搜刮最多的寶藏時,如果抽到的都是不同花色的寶藏,便能增加你的財富;一旦出現兩件相同花色的寶藏,就會引發爆炸!你的回合結束,眼前的寶藏全數沉入大海,消失無蹤!夥伴!

  2. A classic game is back! As one of the first worker placement games, Caylus stands among the true board game classics of the 2000s. The original designers' team, together with the Space Cowboys, have now created a revamped version! The mechanisms of Caylus 1303 have been streamlined and modernized for an intense and shorter game.

    • (3.1K)
  3. Tichu took much of its rules and mechanics from Zheng Fen. It is a partnership climbing card game, and the object of play is to rid yourself of your hand, preferably while scoring points in the process.

  4. The Castles of Burgundy is set in the Burgundy region of High Medieval France. Each player takes on the role of an aristocrat, originally controlling a small princedom. While playing, they aim to build settlements and powerful castles, practice trade along the river, exploit silver mines, and use the knowledge of travelers.

  5. As in the original Minecraft digital game, in Minecraft: Builders & Biomes players explore the Overworld, build structures, and mine resources, earning points for structures and the largest connected biomes of forest, desert, mountain, or snowy tundra spaces on their player boards.

  6. Zombicide is a collaborative game in which players take the role of a survivor – each with unique abilities – and harness both their skills and the power of teamwork against the hordes of unthinking undead! Zombies are predictable, stupid but deadly, controlled by simple rules and a deck of cards. Unfortunately for you, there are a LOT more ...

  7. To finish your turn, you must press the 'Orbito'-button, which will make ALL marbles shift 1 position on their orbit! Stay focused as ALL marbles change position on every turn! Moreover, you can also disrupt your opponent's strategy by moving one of their marbles on your turn. Beware, this totally unique game element works both ways!

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