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  1. 膠原蛋白推薦 相關

  2. 方便攜帶、口感Q彈,每天按時補充,氣色紅潤,來自日本,時尚美妝雜誌熱烈討論,變美又好吃! 採用頂級「蝦紅素」,結合膠原蛋白胜肽及維生素E抗氧化,高達94%使用者亮麗超有感!

  3. 過去一個月已有 超過 10 萬 位使用者造訪過

    . VITABOX®維他盒子的日本專利雙效膠原蛋白,使用日本雙效膠原蛋白進口,大幅降低腥味增加美味. 日本專利二胜肽膠原蛋白擁有最好的功效,幫助你養顏美容的最佳營養。PO OG結構,何時吃空腹吃

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  1. The Resistance: Avalon pits the forces of Good and Evil in a battle to control the future of civilization. Arthur represents the future of Britain, a promise of prosperity and honor, yet hidden among his brave warriors are Mordred's unscrupulous minions. These forces of evil are few in number but have knowledge of each other and remain hidden ...

    • (33.5K)
  2. › video › 402858BoardGameGeek

    2022年10月6日 · Townsfolk Wanted! 派遣小鎮 》 ?遊戲人數: 2-4? | 遊玩時間: 40-80分鐘? ?遊戲介紹: 在《派遣小鎮》中玩家扮演公會長 透過各種工人幫忙探險與經商建立財富 遊戲最後最多財富的人就會名揚四海! ?機制: 公開輪選 隨機物件 成套蒐集 結束獎勵 ?前導介紹? 00:00 遊戲介紹 00:33 玩家設置 00:45 中央設置 01:31 遊戲 ...

  3. Dixit Odyssey is both a standalone game and an expansion ( Dixit: Odyssey (expansion)) for Jean-Louis Roubira's Dixit, which won Germany's Spiel des Jahres award in 2010. Game play in Dixit Odyssey matches that of Dixit: Each turn one player is the storyteller. This player secretly chooses one card in his hand, then gives a word or sentence to ...

  4. The year is 1692, and it is a perilous time to live in the town of Salem, Massachusetts. One wrong step, or one misplaced accusation, and you could be the next witch to hang. "Salem" takes players into this perilous world and lets them re-live the tension, politics, and religious extremism that still has people talking about it 300 years later.

  5. Arkham Horror is a cooperative adventure game themed around H.P Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. Players choose from 16 Investigators and take to the streets of Arkham. Before the game, one of the eight Ancient Ones is chosen and it's up to the Investigators to prevent it from breaking into our world. During the course of the game, players will ...

  6. Rummikub is similar to several central European card games which are played with two decks of playing cards, including Machiavelli and Vatikan. Ephraim Hertzano invented the tile game Rummikub in the 1940s when card-playing was outlawed under the Communist regime. After World War II, Hertzano immigrated to British Mandate of Palestine (now ...

  7. In Puerto Rico, players assume the roles of colonial governors on the island of Puerto Rico. The aim of the game is to amass victory points by shipping goods to Europe or by constructing buildings. Each player uses a separate small board with spaces for city buildings, plantations, and resources. Shared between the players are three ships, a ...

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